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A Full Featured Yabber Wistia Block for Elementor

A Full Featured Yabber Wistia Block for Elementor

As we introduced in an article titled "Yabber Wistia Support – Turbocharge Your Video Marketing", we introduce the vast array of features that link your website with Yabber Tag: yabber to return an amazing Wistia video experience. The connectivity enables full branding, video triggers, captions, chapters, detailed video statistics, in-video lead-capture forms with full automation, and just about every other feature that Wistia makes available, except we've integrated the tools with other systems to enable BeNet (our Inference AI API) to make adjustments based on trending traffic, and the video experience is one that seamlessly integrates with your marketing funnel... and we're the only company in the finance space to provide a real marketing funnel.

At the core of your video experience is the simple addition of Wistia (and YouTube) videos to your website, and this article introduces how this is accomplished. Another article introduces a similar Elementor block for YouTube (Yabber also provides very deep integration with YouTube which makes a number of automated YouTube video features Tag: youtube available).

Video is an essential feature for any website - simple as that. Those websites with videos (and appropriate means to actually convert traffic) will attract more visitors and convert more clients. To this end, we've included a number of video features in Yabber Tag: yabber to make your video efforts an easy process.

Note that Wistia is a paid service but their free tier permits three videos, so it's a service that you should consider using.

We include three primary Wistia blocks:

  • Include a single Wistia video with full customisation options.
  • Include a Wistia button (launches video in a modal)
  • Wistia three-video panel (may include a mix of YouTube videos)

First, a video introduction.

Single Wistia Block

Yabber records Wistia video data in real-time and that data is made available to your website Elementor block, so there's no caveman-style copying or pasting required. To include a Wistia video on your website you simply drag the block onto your page, select the video, alter any preferred video options, and the video renders.

Elementor Wistia Block

  Pictured: The Elementor Wistia single video block. A large number of options apply, such as resolution, colour, and video controls. You may optionally alter the video thumbnail and video SEO data. The video is selected from a select menu which shows all those videos you have uploaded to your own account.

Wistia Video Button

A second dedicated Wistia block allows you to drag-and-drop a button into your page that launches a video modal. The options aren't entirely unlike the single video player with full control over how the video renders. The button itself is customised in terms of size, icon, color, and position.

Elementor Wistia Video Button Block

  Pictured: The Elementor Wistia button video block. A large number of options apply, including those to stylise the button. A black border was applied to the button shown for illustrative purposes.

Wistia Three-Video Panel

The three-video panel is defined in Yabber and made available on your website. Since your website is a conditional website we require groups of videos that represent various interest types, such as First Home Buyers, Investors, and so on. This means that when a specific type of browsing is detected or forced, a specific block of most-relevant videos will be shown.

Wistia Video Panel

  Pictured: The three videos defined above are our 'Default' videos. As a specific interest type is identified a new block of videos will be shown (assuming they're created). You may optionally show titles and video descriptions.

Standard Website Videos

Our complimentary broker website includes default placeholder for three videos - one primary entry video taking up the full width of your page, and block of three videos shown elsewhere. We've determined (conclusively) that pages with this setup convert 1200% higher than a static resource. The videos don't have to be created, but if you're actually interested in converting your website traffic the effort to manufacture the content is highly recommended. You may optionally include in-form subscriptions that launch automation in the same manner as standard website forms.

The standard videos shown on your front page are defined in Yabber in the 'Site Management' menu. This allows you to change featured videos, call-to-action sections, and primary front-page website details very quickly.

Wistia Yabber Video Panel

  Pictured: Selecting front page video is as easy as selecting the primary features video, and the primary featured video panel. A block without a panel defined will inherit this value (and permits escalation of panels based on interest type). When a specific panel is selected that panel is always shown.

Wistia Yabber Video Panel

  Pictured: Altering the videos associated with each interest type on Yabber. You may simply use a 'Default' set and include other video panels when your marketing matures, or when you have sufficient content.


The Wistia block is more than just a simple Wistia block. While each block may be used independently it's the Yabber integration Tag: yabber that makes the inclusion of video into your website an absolute breeze. We've relegated the selection of your primary videos to Yabber Tag: yabber making the inclusion or changing of videos a simple process, and it provides you with a means of truly converting those that land on your website. Website changes have never been as easy.

The conditional features described on this page may seem complex but they're actually decidedly easy to understanding and implement yourself. However, any escalation implies that you have libraries of content to show which is consistent with various interest types, and it's here that the challenge lies. However, as described, it's perfectly acceptable to have a small library initially and then develop your website into a more responsive resource when your marketing efforts mature.

As briefly mentioned in our introduction, having various panels of video created for differing interest types means our machine-learning may alter that panel based on your trending traffic sources and indicators. So, when BeNet is enabled, the Inference API will change the panel into one that is most likely to engage and convert your users.

The Wistia features are obviously a minuscule component of the broader Yabber Suite Tag: yabber.

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