RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: % (%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.49% (6.15%*) • Fixed: 5.49% (6.15%*) • Variable: % (%*) • Investment IO: 5.79% (6.43%*) • Investment PI: 5.64% (6.33%*)

Every 4-minutes a Lead is Delivered to an Australian Mortgage Broker.

Yabber is the most powerful solution available to mortgage broker. Just like the "Forever Loan", this is the last digital solution will ever use.

We Provide a Turnkey Marketing Solution to Manage Digital Lead Management

Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
  Timezone: 1 · [ CHANGE ]

Our Solution is Owned by You, Branded by You, Runs on Your Website. You will Generate a Far Higher Return on Investment.


You Should NEVER BUY LEADS. Learn more about #finspam here.

BANK DATA SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE ON A BROKER WEBSITE :: 5.49% (6.15%*)   This is an exmaple of a basic interest rate ribbon. We provide multiple drag-and-drop methods of rendering interest rates to a page.
  5.43% 6.02%*  
  5.39% 6.09%*  
  5.64% 6.42%*  
  5.49% 6.66%*  
  5.39% 6.09%*  
  5.43% 6.02%*  
  5.44% 6.78%*  
  5.64% 6.34%*  

Your REAL Marketing Funnel is Supported by Your Mortgage Broker Website which Includes over 200 pages, and Includes Dozens of Features You Won't Find Elsewhere.

Mortgage Broker Website Entry Page

Delivered in a Week. Generate Your Own Leads Straight Away...

One-Click Landing Page Creation

One-Click Landing Pages are created in as little as a few seconds. Select a mailing list form, a lead magnet, and create.

Subscription Form Automation

Up to 35 points of automation when a lead is submitted to the Platform. Includes CRM, email, calendar, and SMS integration.

Enterprise-Email Marketing Platform

Powerful email marketing software integrated with Microsoft Office. Provides extensive features and over 12 action-based triggers..

SMS Module

Send individual SMS messages, messages to segregated groups, or messages to partners. Includes a module for birthday and SMS messages.

WordPress Website Integration

Multi-site WordPress website management allows you to control aspects of your website from the Platform.

Email Marketing Templates & Autoresponders

Complete autoresponder email marketing follow-up campaigns can be created in minutes via a library of templated content.

Document & Download Management

Upload version controlled documents and have them tracked in your campaigns without any copying and pasting.

White Label Marketing Library

White label marketing material is drip-fed into the system. It is fully branded with the single click of a button.

RBA Email & SMS Campaigns

RBA Email and SMS campaigns are created with the click of a button. Automated options apply for a hands-free experience.

Newsletter Campaigns

Newsletter campaigns are sent via your own email via an automated or manual option. Campaigns are sent as HTML emails or PDF.

Post Settlement Referral Systems

Develop passionate advocates and referrers with our extensive suite of referral and post-settlement tools. Extremely extensive.

Article Submission Program

Have articles submitted to your website based on various interest types. Supports multiple webistes.

Social Media Integration & Content Libraries

Extensive modules to build a social media presence by automating Facebook, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, YouTube, Wistia, Tumblr, Twitter, and others.

Google My Business Integration

Manage Google My Business posts (automated), images, and testimonials.

Partner Platform

Selected SalesTrekker clients have access to our BETA partner platform at PartnerDashboard.com.au. The fully white-label service helps build high-level relationships..


The BeLearn module is a suite of lessons, videos, tutorials, and webinars to guide you through the process of our digital suite of products. Our content strategy is one that will continue forever..

Complimentary Website

Don't have a website? We provide one to you. While a turnkey product it is still more powerful than what your competitors are using.

Conditional Content

Website features include conditional content options. Your content will be altered based on the interest of the user browsing your website.


Because our system is fully integrated. Every action and interaction is recorded. This provides you with extremely high-level insights into how your campaigns are performing.

SEO Management

Manage your website's SEO presence from directly within the Platform. Supplemented by posts sent automatically to Google My Business.

Facebook Ads Integration

Manage your website pixels, audiences, and ad submissions from directly within the platform at the click of a button.

Complete Lead Automation

Lead management is automated via your website, Facebook, Wistia, and other services. Managed via your CRM or Microsoft Planner.

Telco mPBX Integration

The next-generation mPBX integration allows hosting of 13, 1300, 1800, and standard geographic numbers with full Platform and statistical integration.

... and More

The Platform is extensive and more effective than any competing product on the market, for up to 80% less. Download our guide for details...

Learn a Little More about Marketing Funnels from our Blog

The single most significant change we've introduced to our website framework in the last few years is the inclusion of full-featured . The module will make its way out of a lengthy Beta sometime soon and find its way into our standard website and Elementor plugins. The Property module is significant and unique in that… [ Learn More ]

We provide a large number of forms via Yabber integration, meaning that lead forms, event forms, referral forms, fact find reports, property forms, and others, may all be quickly created and then included on your website in a number of ways (our supports shortcodes, Elementor drag-and-drop forms, significant automation, form escalation, interest-based rendering, and so… [ Learn More ]

LoanOptions.AI are an asset finance company that leverages their technology by making it available to mortgage brokers. Asset finance filter through to LoanOptions, while home loan leads are fed back to brokers. We've had a couple of our own brokers partner with the company so we built a standalone WordPress plugin to quickly enable the… [ Learn More ]

Around March this year we had a client ask to have default page titles and formatting modified on around 70 pages. The request exposed a weakness in the architecture that prevented easy modification of page titles on a large number of pages, and with a recent update to the website framework, we've made modifications to… [ Learn More ]

We've recently updated the 'Testimonials' website and Yabber module, and the changes are significant enough that they require a reintroduction to the feature. Some like reviews. Others don't. We don't. In the broking world, however, and in the broader finance space in particular, reviews serve a valid purposes, and in a world populated with copious… [ Learn More ]

A couple of years ago we introduced a that'd return formatted rates within a style of textbox. On the back of a recent request from a client, we've created a new style of featured panel that'll return a similar lender rate textbox that is managed entirely from Yabber. While the former rate panel remains, the… [ Learn More ]

There are dozens of ways in which you may render lender data on your , and this data includes page-level archives that'll return information in an indiscriminate manner to support your funnel and educate your clients. These archives are supported by various panels and widgets that are used to showcase data of a certain type… [ Learn More ]

In creating the of our , we've had to create various elements that'll support different types of navigation. The first of these tools is the 'Link Block' module, and this article introduces the very basic feature. Similar to the module, the feature simply creates a block of styled links in a block or list. Used… [ Learn More ]

We recently encountered a broker that waited 6-months to have a logo changed on an aggregator-style website. A full 6-months! This gave us reason to dust off the old Platinum logo features, add a little more functionality, and push the tools into a standalone Yabber panel. The result is an additional component in the Website… [ Learn More ]

The FAQ system we incorporate into our is both 'similar' and fundamentally different to the design of typical websites. The has evolved significantly since it was first introduced, but the FAQ titles were always something that we were always going to come back to 'fixing', so they haven't changed much since the module was first… [ Learn More ]

Built on the back of our Lender Data API, and supplementing features such as Lender Widgets, Rate Ribbons, Rate Blocks, Lender Archives, and Lender Product Pages, we've just released the Lender Document (and Media) APIs. Our is now shipped with an Elementor Block that'll enable the features we're about to describe. The Lender Document API… [ Learn More ]

We've provided the leading digital solution to the mortgage industry since 1997... and we've never sold leads, and we never will in the manner the industry is accustomed. We believe that every business should have the capacity to generate its own leads and support its own business growth without any reliance on a marketing company.… [ Learn More ]

We recently conducted an experiment in Artificial Intelligence that required highly accurate speech-to-text and text-to-speech functionality. In short, we assigned mortgage broker tasks to an AI and had the system carry a loan (with supervision) from a website-based AI-enquiry through to 'settlement'. The results give us a very clear indication of how the industry might… [ Learn More ]

What we'll introduce in this article is one of the proprietary 'secrets' we've maintained for around 20 years. As we've made more details of our Satellite success freely available, more and more are making attempts to get into the space we're about to describe, and since none of the typical leadgen crowd can compete with… [ Learn More ]

LoanQ is designed for mortgage brokers and and dealerships to facilitate various types of applications from within a portal that provides compliance tools, and various gateways for ACL-holding businesses. Based in Serbia but managed from Australia, the SalesTrekker-centric platform provides forms that submit applications directly to the platform, and management of these forms are the… [ Learn More ]

This article introduces you to an updated customer referrer form. Integrated with our EDGE module, the form provides a digital conduit that supplements that often-awkward referrer conversation. The form is just a form, but on the backend it's used as part of the EDGE program to introduce your referrer program to clients, and the digital… [ Learn More ]

We've written a large number of YouTube shortcodes over the years, but as WordPress and YouTube have evolved, and as we've added more features to Yabber and our , some of our have become partially obsolete, and the functionality in some of those tools fail to take advantage of the extensive integration that Yabber provides...… [ Learn More ]

One of the last sliders we're introducing to the in the short term is the video slider. Very much incomplete for reasons we'll introduce shortly, the slider simply shows videos sourced from or . Why does a company focused on business growth and lead generation build website tools? It's because your website is the party… [ Learn More ]

We've created a large number of sliders recently that replace various legacy website features. The slider introduced in this article show selected post type content as sliding panels. The feature may be used anywhere with a drag and drop Elementor widget or shortcode, with the expectation that it will be used on the front page… [ Learn More ]

A few brokers have contacted us lately to ask if we 'assist with lead generation', and the confusion is one that is easy given we invest quite a lot into a . The reason we apply effort to your website because it leverages your promoted (and organic) funnels enormously. You cannot and will not enjoy… [ Learn More ]

Of all the calculators you will use on your , the Debt-To-Income Ratio Calculator and LVR Calculator are the easiest to use. They both accepts just two fields, and both return a relatively generic response. This article introduces an additional LVR Calculator, and a new DTI calculator tool. The mortgage broker website we supply clients… [ Learn More ]

Some time back we introduced our basic form. Unlike the typical industry experience employed by many brokers, our Fact Find report will immediately return results back to a user based on lenders for which you're qualified, it'll send a PDF report to the user based on their report responses, and an integrated (optional) calendar booking… [ Learn More ]

For as long as we've been operating, we've had a suite of complimentary plugins made available to mortgage brokers. The most 'valuable' of these plugins is one that we called Funnels - a completely complimentary plug-and-play website plugin that'd create full-featured funnels on activation. To obtain the plugin, we required that a user simply download… [ Learn More ]

All website users have different objectives, or they are looking for your experience to return a specific type of relevance, and you cannot and will not achieve the degree of success that digital is meant to return by a linear customer journey when that excursion is taking them in the wrong direction. Nor will you… [ Learn More ]

In this article we're going to show you exactly why our standard Facebook and organic funnels returns than competing products. Without exposing our closely guarded secrets, we'll show you a mechanism that'll optimise just your top of funnel subscription, or that part of the funnel that ingests a user into your early funnel journey. What… [ Learn More ]

This month we introduced some changes to our . For many brokers, their priority is owning a website that provides a compelling funnel-based presence that genuinely converts, but they're not necessarily interested paid or promoted lead generation options - the reason for which the early framework was built, so we have recently commitment additional resources… [ Learn More ]

Some time back we introduced a relatively obscure module on your website to support and courses. Introduced as a module that was "useless until proven otherwise", it wasn't linked in any serious way because the delivered product didn't include any tutorials or courses. The idea was that the resource might be developed by brokers in… [ Learn More ]

Shortcodes are a 'find and replace' feature on WordPress websites. A shortcode pattern is identified in your post or page, and that string of shortcode text is replaced with dynamic or other content. Your blog article content should be dynamic and come alive, and shortcodes might play a big part in making this happen. It… [ Learn More ]

We recently updated our 's 'Education' module to be more robust and scalable, and more importantly, we created the mechanism for the inclusion of one-click on your website. In order to test the back-end tech required to push courses of various kinds, we created a basic RBA page as a 'demo' of what a course… [ Learn More ]

We've recently updated the employment module on our . Designed to mimic the presentation of various job search websites, such as Seek, the facility provides a secondary method for you to make employment known. Since the tool is very rarely used, this module was formerly managed by the standalone 'BM Employment' plugin, but with our… [ Learn More ]

We recently updated the Reviews module on our . The module takes full advantage of Yabber's automation, and the system seamlessly integrates with the Elementor framework that is the backbone of our website architecture. The former Reviews module wasn't nearly as robust as required, and it only provided for a shortcode option to render a… [ Learn More ]

In writing an article on our we defaulted to our '' feature to add a number of related posts in an accordion format towards the bottom of the page. However, in creating our 'Related' panels we quickly realised that we were simply including all articles assigned to the same category, so rather than go through… [ Learn More ]

Marketing is meant to be simple, and it is. Using our systems, and applying around 7-minutes of effort, you may manufacture marketing campaigns that are infinitely superior to the charlatans selling 50 leads for $8000... and you'll pay cents on the dollar for far more effective and compliant results. Packed with hundred of features, an… [ Learn More ]

The we provide clients, and the associated , was built in such a way that various types of functionality was progressively drip-fed to the system. While this evolution hasn't had an impact on the user experience, it has certainly introduced superfluous code on the backend. To mitigate this continued messiness, we've recently introduced some 'common'… [ Learn More ]

As part of a recent update to our mortgage , we introduced what we call the BM Box to support some basic content and navigation panels. Elementor provides a large number of box-style features, but none that were suitable for our purpose, so we created the BM Box as a multi-purpose widget with an expectation… [ Learn More ]

Some time back we introduced , product , and associated product data to our . Their inclusion on your website, and when used as part of a subscription funnel of any kind, will have a tremendous impact on engagement and conversions. This article introduces a significant update to the Lender module widgets. The widget data… [ Learn More ]

The more videos you have on each page of your website, the more likely you'll attract the attention of your user or convert them in some way. This is a . The more engaging and relevant video you have on each page also has a direct impact on the success of your . Bottom line:… [ Learn More ]

Some time back we introduced a facility in Yabber to and bios - an essential component of any website. However, despite the simplicity of the system, there were some that struggled to use it. On our end, we didn't provide much by way of customisation, so the module was always asking for an update. The… [ Learn More ]

For virtually our entire time in business, we've refrained from making one broker known to another. We've discouraged testimonials (we have brokers delete them when they're created), and we've operate in the shadow of the performance of our brokers. There's a lot of reasons for this... not the least of which is that some brokers… [ Learn More ]

Solis, translated from Latin literally means ‘Sun’, and our Solis system was named as such because the feature may become the centre of your marketing universe. The system does in a single click what might otherwise take days or weeks to manufacture, and what others charge thousands to provide (usually using a mashup of dodgy… [ Learn More ]

For over 15-years we used a website plugin to generate landing pages and assign the appropriate split landing groups. The former plugin (now retired for nearly four years, and forming the basis of our free '' plugin) was brilliant but it seriously limited our capacity to automatically create client landing pages and campaigns as they… [ Learn More ]

My opinion on fact find reports is one that goes against popular industry opinion. Based on my own experience as a broker, and with nearly 25 years supporting brokers' marketing efforts to justify my claim, I can categorically state that fact find reports as currently used by the industry rarely serve a purpose unless they're… [ Learn More ]

The reason our marketing funnel returns far more leads and business than competing solutions made available to the market is attributed to a large number of factors, with just one of them being the Venus Report. In this article we'll look at the Venus report in more detail than previously introduced, and we'll detail exactly… [ Learn More ]

If you're engaging with paid or organic promotion of any kind it's likely you're familiar with the conversion-based objective of a landing page. For those that aren't familiar with the concept, the landing page is simply a page that does little else than focus attention into the top-of-funnel subscription and offer, or lead magnet. The… [ Learn More ]

A digital media strategy is one that is focused on your advertising and creative direction, content creation and delivery, social media strategy, workflow management, and most importantly of all, how your results are measured, and what you have in place to act upon the to your organisation. In essence, your marketing plan and broader digital… [ Learn More ]

If there’s any one secret to business success, hundreds of millions in turnover derived from our online and offline campaigns tells us that it's those businesses that cleverly craft compelling online marketing campaigns, and build immersive organic marketing funnels, that predictably prevail over all overs. The one common denominator that the successful businesses have is… [ Learn More ]

A lot of advertising we see on now makes one massive and inexcusable conversion-blocking mistake - the advert links to a conversion-blocking 'quiz' on first contact that requires a user answer a bunch of 'qualifying' questions. In this article we'll describe how you can multiply the effects of your advertising and improve upon your ROI… [ Learn More ]

Regular and relevant contact with your mailing list subscribers by way of a newsletter is essential; the email is entirely expected, non-intrusive, and further connects your audience to your expertise. For most brokers, however, a newsletter is somewhat of a roadblock. The technical skills necessary to manufacture a magazine-style newsletter takes time and creating the… [ Learn More ]

We’ve had our Borealis program running for nearly 15 years. In that time we’ve sent what must be hundreds of thousands of articles to hundreds of websites as part of our standalone product. With the revised nature of our service we’ve integrated the basic program directly into making it available to all brokers at no… [ Learn More ]

In a previous article we introduced the far-reaching compliance requirements around client communication, and the need for brokers to have access to a . In this article we seek to identify the necessary components for an effective email marketing system, and we demonstrate how we've built our own fully integrated email experience into that satisfies… [ Learn More ]

This article introduces the text messaging marketing module that is part of the . Subsequent articles will introduce how the module should be used, and what benefits might be derived from very strategic text messaging campaigns. Our text messaging module is fully integrated in that the one system is connected to and works in company… [ Learn More ]

The number of brokers we see with off-site and lower-performing calendar services is staggering. Even worse, we see businesses try and integrate off-site calendars into their websites with what is a funnel-debilitating and conversion-blocking exercise. Conversions need to be made simple, and they need to be everywhere. This article simply introduces why a calendar option… [ Learn More ]

When a user unsubscribes to a mailing list of any kind, they're often doing so because they aren't interested in that particular email, or they don't fully understand the benefits of your communication (assuming you're actually providing the education and information that they're craving). What we'll describe on this page is the mechanism we use,… [ Learn More ]

FLIGHT is an aircraft finance program we introduce to all our clients as a means of connecting them with the lucrative world of aviation. Formerly protected by an NDA to ensure the continued success of the program, FLIGHT is just one of our many programs designed to introduce clients to different markets and specialties. However,… [ Learn More ]

I read a Facebook advert from a ' ' a short time ago that introduced a 'program' by way of dismissing all the traditional methods of marketing and partner relationships that have worked for the industry for years. It bothered me. Despite Belief providing the most powerful in the industry, we heavily advocate that the… [ Learn More ]

The email subscription and/or contact form is the heart and soul of your website funnel entry point... so you need to make it great. We see a lot of brokers flock to third-party email subscription (and ) tools when they objectively compromise upon your page experience, analytical insights, and conversions. The generic and low-performing mailing… [ Learn More ]

Following on from two articles introducing the basics of video, "" and "", this article introduces basic frameworks that might be used to guide a video, webinar, or any other discussion format. Of course they don't have to be used, but like any template, they may provide a basic reference for more complex topics. We… [ Learn More ]

Video is the undisputed - period. We've been creating them for mortgage brokers, financial advisers, accountants, and real-estate agents, in addition to a multitude of other industries and our own business since Internet speeds supported playback. Before that, we'd send compact disks out to those that wanted to review our material, and it's always worked.… [ Learn More ]

One of the many careless actions we see take place from a marketing perspective is when we see various public downloads, such as lead magnets, promotional booklets etc., hosted on unvetted cloud storage (such as OneDrive or Google Drive), and we routinely see marketing assets hosted directly on businesses own websites. From a marketing standpoint… [ Learn More ]

attached to our is unique in so many different ways. Every aspect of the user interactions on our and are designed to covert off the tail end of the highest-performing digital and experience in the industry. While there are a number of systems we use to return the highest and website conversions in the market… [ Learn More ]