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We’ve Updated the Employment Module on our Mortgage Broker Website

We’ve Updated the Employment Module on our Mortgage Broker Website

We've recently updated the employment module on our mortgage broker website framework. Designed to mimic the presentation of various job search websites, such as Seek, the facility provides a secondary method for you to make employment known. Since the tool is very rarely used, this module was formerly managed by the standalone 'BM Employment' plugin, but with our updated framework we've added additional pages to support mentoring (discussed shortly) so it made sense to finally rationalise the experience.

The employment module is simple, and it's not designed to replace those websites with broader reach. However, in the case of larger organisations, growing businesses, or franchises, the module provides the capacity to quickly disseminate and manage available employment to multiple websites.

The Result

The employment entry page shows all available positions. Clicking on any listing expands an accordion that provides a general overview. A link will direct the user to a page with further details.

Website Employment Archive

  Pictured: The employment archive page shows all available active listings. Clicking the accordion returns the 'description' as created in Yabber. A link will direct the user to a full-featured page with more information on the position. The accordion panels are full-width, and the default text includes the position title, the employment category, and when the job was posted.

The featured job page page is defined in Yabber and includes the job title, company name, location, category, type, salary, hours, overview, requirements, call-to-action, video, and link. Most of the fields are optional. When rendered, the page will show similar to that shown below.

Employment Sample Listing

  Pictured: The pictured listing page is basic, but because it was created in Elementor it is ridiculously easy to customise. Each of the elements created in Yabber are 'compiled' and sent as a standard post. The listing may be updated at any time.

When a video is defined in Yabber, and as shown in the inset, the YouTube or Wistia video will render under the call-to-action. The video is obviously optional.

Creating Employment Records

Job listings are created via the 'Back Pages' menu in the Website module. To create a listing, populate all the necessary fields and save. Most fields contain a WYSIWYG (Word-style) editor so lists, images, and other formatting can easily be applied.

Employment Create Listing

  Pictured: Create Employment records in Yabber's Employment module. Each section is generally presented in a WYSIWYG editor so styling and media may be applied.

Send Employment Website

  Pictured: Once a record is created, and since Yabber is a multi-website system, the record should be sent to the applicable website. The 'Review' panel provides a facility to review and edit jobs, and disable those that should no longer be listed.

Broker Mentoring and Support

The Mentoring and Support page - intended for new to industry brokers or those looking to build their business - is extremely simple, and is more of a boilerplate than it is a finished or polished product. We've found that when our brokers are introduced to various programs that deliver unlimited flexibility in terms of their growth, they'll invariably need the services of additional staff to support their business, so 'some' kind of page that introduces your business to potential brokers is essential.

Mortgage Broking Mentoring

  Pictured: An extract from the Broker Mentoring page. If you're promoting yourself as a mentor, you should generally create a format program and promote it appropriately.

Some brokers have chosen to introduce a more formal 'mentoring' program to their business, and the page(s) can also be used or promoted to serve this objective. The page includes a hidden facility to include a video and/or form, neither of which is displayed by default.

This page is a starting point - not the end game.


The employment module is likely the least significant in all of Yabber, and it'll certainly be the least trafficked on your website, but some businesses will find a place for it. The new framework we're delivering to the industry is built on scalability, which means we're obligated to ensure that the architecture we provide does everything that'll ever be asked of it, and this module is part of this box-checking process.

Note: For those with a requirement, the module provides a public RSS, XML, and JSON endpoint to access all your available employment data. The feeds are provided in various formats for comparability with most employment aggregation platforms.

Clients should note that the most recent website framework and Yabber plugin are required to enable the Employment features.

  Featured Image: Queensland National Bank building, Millchester, Queensland, ca.1873. People on the veranda of the Queensland National Bank building, Millchester, near Charters Towers. The branch operated from the 15 July, 1873 until the 14 December 1874. It reopened again as an agency for the Charters Towers branch of the Queensland National Bank Limited. Founded in 1872, the bank was established in Brisbane and soon has branches all over Queensland. In 1948, the bank was taken over by the National Bank of Australasia (with the NBA established in 1858, and in 1982 the bank merged with the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney to form National Australia Bank). [ View Image ]

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