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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Investment IO: 5.69% (6.52%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (5.98%*)

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General Marketing

Multiply Your Early Funnel Booking Conversions with Conditional Redirects

You can multiple your top-of-funnel calendar bookings by way of conditional redirects. Conditional redirects send your user to an a high-converting second page (with appropriate video) to ensure you deliver an appropriate message. The redirection is made possible because of *fully-integrated* calendar forms hidden on the first page. A transaction will be one of the following: email subscriber, phone booking, or calendar booking, and the second-page and early funnel excursion is shaped via that interaction.

General Marketing

Your Website is a Vital Component of a Marketing and Funnel Experience

Ignore the competing messages suggested all you have to do is throw money into Facebook advertising. So, despite having the industry’s leading Facebook experience we advocate that no source of lead generation should be ignored – and this includes your website (of course).

General Marketing

An Introduction to a REAL Marketing Funnel

In this video Domenico and Martin talk about what a real marketing funnel looks like, and why Belief is able to multiple your leads and conversions when compared against the typical vanilla experience. We’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to set yourself apart from your competition. Your website is as important as ever. Don’t let the value of other marketing assets and opportunities give you reason to ignore one of the most valuable marketing assets your business owns.

General Marketing

Client Update, February 18th, 2021

General client update. We discuss the new version of the finance manual very briefly, and ask for feedback on Telegram and other applications for integration into the Platform next week. The client version of this video is hosted on Wistia.

General Marketing

So, You’ve Read our Marketing Manual

This video is intended for those that have downloaded our Marketing Manual. For everybody else, there’s some good general information on how to improve upon your digital marketing efforts.

General Marketing

Client Update, 5th February 2021

In this client update we talk about our new and revolutionary email triggers system, we discuss some ‘general’ Platform changes, we discuss a few of the Platform trigger features (which are in constant review), we talk about our Royal Commission module (and why we built it, and why you’ll have access to a Satellite website with the same material), and we discuss some of the compliance issues that wrap around some of our systems and how it impacts upon the future development of the complimentary comparison website.

BeliefMedia Podcast

Podcast 0007: “Agenzia”

In this podcast we talk to Anthony from Agenzia Property Consultants. Anthony is a qualified (and active) builder, accountant with 20-years experience, real-estate agent, and mortgage broker. One of his specialties is placing property investors into the Government-backed and high-yield SDA Property program. We talk to Anthony about his background, his business focus, and look at the entry path to SDA Investments.

BeliefMedia Podcast

Podcast 0006: “Girgis from Vogue Homes”

Vogue Homes is of the most trusted names in home and land packages. Based in Sydney, the family-owned business has a significant presence at a number of display homes where they show off their true ‘fixed price’ builds. In this podcast we talk to Vogue’s Sales Manager about Vogue, the build process, and first home buyers.


Podcast 0005: “John Bartels and Qantas Flight QF30”

QF30 was a scheduled flight from London to Melbourne with a stopover in Hong Kong on 25 July 2008. The flight was interrupted when an oxygen tank exploded causing a fuselage rupture just forward of the starboard wing root. There were no injuries and the plane made an emergency descent and diverted into Manilla.

BeliefMedia Podcast

Podcast 0004: “Rescue Package”

Our “Rescue Package” is available to those that have paid for selected marketing products made available to the finance industry (all of which we’ve evaluated as less effective than even our free “Funnels” product. It’s likely some form of the package will be available permanently.