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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Investment IO: 5.69% (6.52%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (5.98%*)

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Mortgage Brokers & General Finance

The Industry Challenge

The industry challenge. My 8-year-old daughter versus a listed lead-generation company – we’ll multiple your results by 10X or donate 10k to charity.

General Marketing

The Mortgage Broker Fact Find Form

Not unlike our powerful Venus Report, our Fact Find report is designed as a tool for a user to gain a better understanding of their borrowing position, with any potential understanding gained by you simply considered an added bonus. If you’re going to ask intrusive and personal information from a client, the value assigned by way of the exercise should be leaning towards the customer experience. The questions asked in the ‘fact find’ report are not manipulative (like others made available to the industry), and we’re not skirting the fuzzy lines of digital compliance because the purpose of the questions is clear: once the questions are completed a PDF report will be sent to the user based on the limited responses provided. So, our fact find report is now a high-value lead magnet. This method of report generation introduces other advantages, such as triggers on downloads, internal LDF link clicks (customised for each user), and we’re able to shape the funnel experience by means of list subscriptions and appropriate SMS messaging. Anything asked in the early stages of a funnel are designed to do one thing: qualify you. Our fact find report achieves this.

General Marketing

Getting Smart With Australian Smart Numbers

If we told you that you might double, or even triple, the effectiveness and volume of your inbound phone calls to your business phone number for $250, is that something you might be interested in? From an offline marketing and brand management perspective, the use of Australian Smart Numbers to represent your brand of business is probably still one of the best kept secrets in business. In this video we’ll talk about some of the advantages of their use and how they can be used to bolster your inbound inquires.

General Marketing

Live Bank Data and Comparison Data on Your Mortgage Broker Website

We talk all the time about how and why the default website we provide mortgage brokers converts far higher than other websites in the market, and how our conversion-optimised website is integral to your marketing funnel, and this video introduces you to one of our more powerful website features that literally changes the digital lives of the brokers that use it. Our real-time bank product data ‘widgets’ provide users with extremely high encouragement to browse additional pages or convert, and they literally adds a few thousand conversion-opportunity pages to your website.

General Marketing

Mortgage Broker Bankbox Website Plugin (Free)

Since we specialise in an industry that tends to be represented by mediocrity, and out of a sense of obligation to those that don’t necessarily have actual bank or mortgage-related features integrated into their finance website, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to create a program that’ll have us deliver complimentary and regular finance-related products to the industry. This includes a complimentary WordPress plugin that renders styled boxes based on bank branding.

Mortgage Brokers & General Finance

Australia’s First ATM Machine, ABC Report, 1969

1969 ABC news report on the introduction of ATMs in Sydney. People could only receive $25 at a time and the bank card was sent back to the user at a later date (after the transaction was processed by bank staff). I can’t help but feel like brokers are often stuck in this antiquated 1969 technology.

General Marketing

Mortgage Broker White-Label Marketing Material (Quick Demo)

Yabber makes continued white-label marketing material available to you. At the click of a button the documents are branded with your company logo and other details, and the document is immediately made available in your download manager. Creation makes the book available in your landing page system (so you can use the book and automatically created 3D image) in your landing campaigns, and it’s available as an email attachment wherever an email may be sent.

General Marketing

Wistia Video Blocks for Elementor

This video introduces the Wistia video blocks made available via the BeliefMedia Yabber plugin. Video is vital to your business so we make the integration of your efforts an easy one. Videos blocks include a feature-rich block for individual videos, one for a video (modal) button, and a third to display a panel of three videos. All blocks include multiple options to fully customise the appearance of your video.

General Marketing

Platinum Program: Guaranteed 120m in Business Volume

Creating volume is quite easy for us, so we know without any doubt that we’ve able to return the necessary 150-million+ volume over a 12-month period. In fact, we’d deliver the necessary volume in just a few months if a brokerage was capable of processing the pipeline, but in most cases the time-frame is extended simply so your organisation is able to manage the business and provide necessary client support.

General Marketing

Automating Website Favicons with Yabber

Our solution to the ongoing favicon dilemma is simple. You create a single icon, upload it to Yabber, Yabber creates a full suite of icons, and you send the icons to your nominated website. If automation is enabled for the module, and if and when a new icon makes its way into standard practice, we’ll update your website in real-time with a new icon set. Simple.