The BeliefMedia SEO plugin is designed specifically for the clients of ours that use it with one major consideration in mind: ease of use. The primary focus is on building strong titles, descriptions (with hard limits), and proving information to build a compelling object graph. The featured image associated with your primary OG tags can be different to that of the page featured image, as can the Twitter image (making platform-specific call-to-actions a breeze).
Likes 1 Dislikes 0 Published December 23, 2017, 5:15 pmThe plugin provides a feature to selectively include multiple images for your page markup, meaning only the most relevant and compelling images will be shared.
BeliefMedia SEO has literally dozens of features - some that are available in most off-the-shelf equivalents, and a large number are rarely found elsewhere.
The plugin is no longer used. Instead, all SEO features of our client websites are initially automated, with full SEO oversight managed via Yabber.
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