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Automatically Update YouTube and Facebook Banners and Profile Pictures Based on Events

Automatically Update YouTube and Facebook Banners and Profile Pictures Based on Events

We've always provided a facility to set a schedule of social media profiles based on national or important events, such as Anzac Day, Australia Day, Christmas, or various company events. This article introduces the enhanced functionality we've built into Yabber Tag: yabber which is more powerful than any product we've ever provided in the past.

The social media profile changes you may define usually includes a banner and profile picture, but in the case of some services, such as YouTube, we have the capacity to craft an entirely new social funnel experience. The changes serve two primary purposes: it gives your brand real-time social representation in a way that resonates with your audience; and the changes highlight specific expertise in a certain areas throughout the year (such as First Home Buyer information, Investor information, or perhaps tax incentives at Tax time).

We provide two primary mechanisms to update social profiles: manual scheduling, and automation. The automation option is am amazing feature that identifies trends in your email, website, and other traffic and then automatically updates your profiles to be more consistent with the majority of your audience. Driven by our Inference (AI) API the system provides a complete hands-free experience so your social representation is always current. Additionally, those that opt into the BeNet automation program will have their profiles updated by us when we identify trends before our AI gets the hint; this is usually the result of a budget announcement, rate cut, or introduction of a Government program. The automation is discussed in another article; this page introduces the manual schedule you set yourself.

The social automation and options are part of our broad Conditional an Escalating ideology that underpins our high-performing digital footprint.

Facebook Profile Schedule

Basic changes to Facebook include just a banner and profile picture.

Facebook Manual Banner Change

  Pictured: Banners, profile images, and page data on any social media platform may be managed from withing Yabber. Pictured is a simple form to alter the banner for a Facebook page.

Create Seasonal Banner

  Pictured: Creating a seasonal rule is easy. Select the page, set the banner and profile, and define a time period where the changes should be applied. Once saved the seasonal rule will immediately be applied.

A full log of all active profiles is obviously maintained. Clicking the green icon returns the associated image and other applicable profile data.

Facebook Seasonal Profile Log

  Pictured: The library includes details of all images uploaded, and it includes details of all current schedules for both banners and profiles.

Again, the BeNet-driven automation is discussed in another article. In brief, the automation schedule simply requires you create profile image and banner pairs associated with different 'subject' type. If you have opted in the program, and the subject pairing exists (such as First Home Buyer), we'll update your Facebook and YouTube social profile(s) on your behalf.

YouTube Profile Schedule

Basic YouTube profile changes includes just a banner image, but unlike Facebook - and assuming you're using the BeNet automation options - we have the capacity to alter playlists and featured videos on the front page.

YouTube Seasonal Banner

  Pictured: YouTube Seasonal Banners are crated in a similar manner to the Facebook banners. Select a banner, define a date range, and save.

YouTube Send Banners

  Pictured: Manually changing a YouTube banner is a one-second and one-click process. You simply select a a banner you've previously uploaded to Yabber and click Send.

As we'll come to introduce in our article on YouTube profile automation, the schedule is a title more comprehensive than Facebook. In the image below you'll see an option for 'Channel Sections'. This allows BeNet to completely change the appearance of your playlists and page formatting.

YouTube Profile Automation

  Pictured: Discussed in another article, you might choose to enable automation for just certain types of trends (the pictured example shows FHB changes). The 'Probable Certainty' relates to BeNet's determined certainty of a trend in subject matter. A lower probability is generally accurate but hasn't had the support of multiple data-sources confirming determined 'intent'.


We've seen businesses enlist the services of a designed to manually and periodically alter banners - just crazy! In some cases we've seen a business ignore the need for a changing social landscape completely. The manual seasonal banners applied to Facebook and YouTube mitigate this issue by creating a once-only set-and-forget feature than just works.

The social banners are a small feature, and they're not going to necessarily going to set your funnel on fire, but what they will do is provide relevance and show that your business takes the time to recognise certain times of the year.

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