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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Investment IO: 5.69% (6.52%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (5.98%*)

The Satellite Website Program

The Satellite Website Program

Yabber Tag: yabber includes a module dedicated to a program we calls 'Satellite websites'. The satellite websites are those that often serve a purpose other than provide a primary funnel entry point, and they're often diametrically opposed to the purpose of your primary website. The sites are, for lack of any other term, rather pointless in the grand scheme of your online presence... but they're provided to give our clients a broad 'digital footprint'. We want our clients to break free of traditional thinking and start to apply thought into how their business (or a new business) might be best represented online. We want them to invent new ways of managing their business automation or sales processes and it's often a satellite website that will invoke an elevated though process.

It should be remembered that we provide our broker clients with a fully conditional, Yabber Tag: yabber-integrated, and industry-leading marketing-ready website. The Satellite sites mentioned on this page are additional websites we provide our clients and they represent tens of thousands in complimentary value. We're often asked why we provide them and the answer is simple: they cost us almost nothing and gain you everything. Should you choose to host the sites with us Belief may make a small profit on the service but you're free to host wherever you choose.

Equipment Finance Website

Apart from providing brokers a full broker website with your Yabber Tag: yabber subscription, we'll also provide brokers with an automotive (equipment) finance website that is also fully integrated with Yabber's automation. Some brokers are concerned about diluting their primary website with an abundance of equipment details but they're also not willing to ignore the opportunities in that space. The solution to this quandary is provided by way of our equipment finance website (detailed a little further in an article on 'Positioning'). Worth thousands but provided as part of our core cost (the lowest in the industry), the standalone purpose-built website can be promoted in any manner that floats your boat without diluting the core service you provide. The nature of the equipment website allows us to more easily introduce our FLIGHT module designed to indoctrinate brokers into the world of aircraft finance (or at least introduce us to an industry full of wealthy aircraft owners).

Equipment Finance Website

  Pictured: Belief's demonstration equipment finance website as of 2018. The website integrates with our automated Platform features. It is currently in review and a new website will be released within days

We've had some brokers introduce hands-free systems in the way in which equipment finance is promoted. Many have partnered with white-label providers that carry a lead through to settlement with the understanding that their brand will be represented at all times. Some have joined forces with companies that provide a car-finding service.

Note: The website we provide brokers upon registration (not to be confused with the Satellite program) is one of the most powerful in the mortgage market (and very likely the most powerful), and more than justifies a Yabber Tag: subscription. It is objectively values at well over $10k.

Having a standalone focus on equipment introduces other commercial opportunities, such as the insurance market. The equipment (satellite) website, its purpose, how it is used, and how it connected with the Platform, is discussed in detail here.

Other Websites

We provide a new standalone website roughly every three months (at a minimum) with each optional site providing the opportunity to extend your digital reach. Some websites are incredibly pointless, such as our 'Quotes' website (supplemented by 75'000 branded image quotes), while others, such as the BSB search site , maintains a little more industry relevance (the linked BSB site is missing the 'Advanced Search' tab at the time of writing due to an upgrade of the API). Other websites include a cinematic website (over 3-million quotes, facts, and trivia), numerous history websites, and a full-featured comparison website (due to coincide with more data made available via Open Banking).

Each industry tends to have a different schedule of websites; for example, aviation clients will receive a suite of registration search tools, accident databases, and weather features (including access to our METAR API) - many as WordPress plugins. However, any client is welcome to any of the websites; there are occasions, such as when a mortgage broker invests time into our FLIGHT program, where having a few aviation satellite websites might assist with their efforts.

The point of having these sites is only realised when our clients start to build segmented markets in the social space. Coupled with the power of our social systems, content libraries, and Instagratify our clients' entire Satellite ecosystem runs as a background service building audiences that might be funneled through into more profitable areas of your business. Obviously, the more relevant the subject and market the more likely you'll attract interest from potential customers.

Positioned Websites

We've had an article in draft for the better part of a few years that described exactly how we returned nearly 350 million in volume to a mortgage broker office in just 4 months. The article lends itself to the concept of sales positioning, and it describes how you might elevate your brand as the 'go-to' business for specific types of industry (in this case it was utilising my close connection to the aviation industry where I'd worked as a pilot, and a job for which I'd just left). Another example comes by way of a website targeting law enforcement and '000' professionals. The Police Home Loans website is one that tends to get passed around from broker to broker and, when used correctly, generates massive returns (the generic domain of police.com.au doesn't hurt this program's success). The one thing that these two programs had in common is that they were both launched off a satellite website; in both cases a promotional page was used that connected to a primary page, but it was designed to attract a specific market.

Note: At the time of writing we're releasing the '000' home loan website to a Victorian-based broker that will manage ongoing management of leads generated from that source. Read more about the PHL product here in our article on 'Sales Positioning'.

Our Gravity programs (notable Saturn) now routinely returns hundreds of millions in volume so we're finding that despite the array of opportunities existing in the Satellite space, few of our brokers actually have the time to invest in these type of programs.

Satellite Social

The whole concept of satellite websites lends itself to our Satellite Social program. Each website will have its own social accounts (normally just Twitter and Facebook). We advocate building audiences by way of dedicated social accounts with no real purpose other than to build segregated audiences with specific interests. Our social systems make the automatic creation of content to these social accounts a breeze.

The premise behind the social satellite system, and the reason for its success, is because people are more likely to invest their time in mind-numbing content rather than brands. While your brand pages and groups (the latter is always important) will attract higher-level advocates and potential referrers, the satellite system is designed for 'everyone else'.

Belief has our own library of social accounts in the thousands, and followers in the millions across multiple platforms. We like to see our brokers do the same (it requires no effort).

Online Real Estate

Domain names and websites have real value if they're trafficked or provide a genuine service. We'll often have clients come to us that have domains listed for sale, and others that have a bunch of ideas that they'd love to implement if they knew how. The Satellite program, in essence, gets our people started on this journey. Certainly, the value provided by way of this program cannot be measured in traditional terms (although if we did it'd be worth a fortune).

We'll say over and over that no source of lead generation should be ignored, and applying all effort into paid advertising at the expense of the plethora of other online and offline opportunities is just absurd (and we say this despite providing what is the highest performing digital program on the market). Having your own portfolio of online properties that can be developed in the future into real high-paying assets is just one tiny part of our process.

The Effect on SEO

The Satellite program should not be confused with a Private Blog Network, or PBN, which is contrary to Google SEO guidelines. In fact, for this reason the only links that might point back to your website are indexed as 'nofollow'. That said, there are occasions, such as with the automotive site, where a true backlink is appropriate, and the Comparison Website where it's required. The purpose of the sites is not SEO related.


When Belief first started as AWE back in 1997 one of our primary objectives was to populate the Internet with websites that didn't exist at the time. What followed was over 1000 websites of various flavours with a prime purpose to support an advertising network. Fast forward just a few years and we'd accomplished a mammoth task that returned billions in volume to our early clients. While that early model doesn't work as well as it once did, we took what we learned and now introduce the broad concepts to our clients as part of the Satellite program with clients taking full and complete ownership of all websites we provide (we've since disabled all but about 100 of those early websites we built during the AWE days).

Marketing is meant to be enjoyable, and this program adds to the fun of marketing which is often lost somewhere on the periphery.

There are numerous reasons our broker clients outperform their competition; the Satellite program is just one small part.

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Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
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