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Website Crawlers

The website crawler index is an advanced feature that allows you to identify IP Addresses that are associated with various search engines and crawling services. Many crawlers can be malicious in nature so we keep an index of available services.

■ ■ ■

Name Applebot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Applebot
Bot URL https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204683
Vendor Apple Inc
Vendor URL https://www.apple.com

Name Yahoo! Slurp [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Yahoo! Slurp
Bot URL http://help.yahoo.com/ysearch/slurp
Vendor Yahoo! Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.yahoo.com

Name Flipboard [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Flipboard
Bot URL http://flipboard.com/browserproxy
Vendor Flipboard
Vendor URL http://flipboard.com/

Name Generic Bot [ 19 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Generic Bot

Name Twitterbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Twitterbot
Bot URL https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/getting-started
Vendor Twitter
Vendor URL http://www.twitter.com

Name PaperLiBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category PaperLiBot
Bot URL http://support.paper.li/entries/20023257-what-is-paper-li
Vendor Smallrivers SA
Vendor URL http://www.paper.li

Name BingBot [ 4 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category BingBot
Bot URL http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htmn
Vendor Microsoft Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.microsoft.com

Name Facebook External Hit [ 3 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Facebook External Hit
Bot URL https://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php
Vendor Facebook
Vendor URL http://www.facebook.com

Name Googlebot [ 4 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Googlebot
Bot URL http://www.google.com/bot.html
Vendor Google Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.google.com

Category MJ12 Bot
Bot URL http://majestic12.co.uk/bot.php
Vendor Majestic-12
Vendor URL http://majestic12.co.uk

Name BitlyBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category BitlyBot
Bot URL https://bitly.com
Vendor Bitly, Inc.
Vendor URL https://bitly.com

Category uMBot
Bot URL https://www.ubermetrics-technologies.com/
Vendor Ubermetrics Technologies GmbH
Vendor URL https://www.ubermetrics-technologies.com/

Name Rogerbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Rogerbot
Bot URL http://moz.com/help/pro/what-is-rogerbot-
Vendor SEOmoz, Inc.
Vendor URL http://moz.com/

Name Hatena Bookmark [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Hatena Bookmark
Bot URL https://www.hatena.ne.jp/faq/
Vendor Hatena Co., Ltd.
Vendor URL https://www.hatena.ne.jp

Name Baidu Spider [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Baidu Spider
Bot URL http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm
Vendor Baidu
Vendor URL http://www.baidu.com

Name Mediatoolkit Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Mediatoolkit Bot
Bot URL https://mediatoolkit.com

Name Infegy [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Infegy
Bot URL https://infegy.com/
Vendor Infegy, Inc.
Vendor URL https://infegy.com/

Name aHrefs Bot [ 17 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category aHrefs Bot
Bot URL https://ahrefs.com/robot
Vendor Ahrefs Pte Ltd
Vendor URL https://ahrefs.com/robot

Name Omgili bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Omgili bot
Bot URL http://www.omgili.com/Crawler.html
Vendor Omgili
Vendor URL http://www.omgili.com

Name Embedly [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Embedly
Bot URL https://support.embed.ly/hc/en-us
Vendor A Medium, Corp.
Vendor URL https://medium.com/

Name Tweetmeme Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Tweetmeme Bot
Bot URL http://tweetmeme.com/
Vendor Mediasift

Name datagnionbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category datagnionbot
Bot URL https://www.datagnion.com/bot.html
Vendor URL https://www.datagnion.com/

Name Yandex Bot [ 2 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Yandex Bot
Bot URL http://www.yandex.com/bots
Vendor Yandex LLC
Vendor URL http://company.yandex.com

Name Alexa Crawler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Alexa Crawler
Bot URL https://support.alexa.com/hc/en-us/sections/200100794-Crawlers
Vendor Alexa Internet
Vendor URL https://www.alexa.com

Name WordPress [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category WordPress
Bot URL https://wordpress.org/
Vendor WordPress.org
Vendor URL https://wordpress.org/

Name Gluten Free Crawler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Gluten Free Crawler
Bot URL http://glutenfreepleasure.com/

Name Faveeo [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Faveeo
Bot URL http://www.faveeo.com

Name BLEXBot Crawler [ 5 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category BLEXBot Crawler
Bot URL http://webmeup-crawler.com
Vendor WebMeUp
Vendor URL http://webmeup.com

Name Nuzzel [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Nuzzel
Vendor Nuzzel
Vendor URL https://www.nuzzel.com/

Name Seznam Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Seznam Bot
Bot URL http://www.mapy.cz/cz/seznambot.html
Vendor Seznam.cz, a.s.
Vendor URL http://www.seznam.cz/

Name Ask Jeeves [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Ask Jeeves
Vendor Ask Jeeves Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.ask.com

Name Scrapy [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Scrapy
Bot URL http://scrapy.org

Name TelegramBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category TelegramBot
Bot URL https://telegram.org/blog/bot-revolution

Name DotBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category DotBot
Bot URL http://www.opensiteexplorer.org/dotbot
Vendor SEOmoz, Inc.
Vendor URL http://moz.com/

Name Pocket [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Pocket
Bot URL https://getpocket.com/pocketparser_ua
Vendor Read It Later, Inc.
Vendor URL https://getpocket.com/

Name Scraping Robot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Scraping Robot
Bot URL https://scrapingrobot.com/
Vendor Sprious LLC
Vendor URL https://sprious.com/

Name TurnitinBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category TurnitinBot
Bot URL http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html
Vendor iParadigms, LLC.
Vendor URL http://www.turnitin.com

Name Trendiction Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Trendiction Bot
Bot URL http://www.trendiction.de/bot
Vendor Talkwalker Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.talkwalker.com

Name Mail.Ru Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Mail.Ru Bot
Bot URL http://help.mail.ru/webmaster/indexing/robots/types_robots
Vendor Mail.Ru Group
Vendor URL http://corp.mail.ru

Name DuckDuckGo Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category DuckDuckGo Bot
Bot URL https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckbot
Vendor DuckDuckGo
Vendor URL https://duckduckgo.com/

Category LTX71
Bot URL http://ltx71.com/

Name Qwantify [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Qwantify
Bot URL https://www.qwant.com/
Vendor Qwant Corporation
Vendor URL https://www.qwant.com/

Category ADMantX

Name Grapeshot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Grapeshot
Bot URL https://www.grapeshot.com/crawler
Vendor Grapeshot
Vendor URL https://www.grapeshot.com

Name Comscore [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Comscore
Bot URL https://www.comscore.com/Web-Crawler

Name ExaBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ExaBot
Bot URL http://www.exabot.com/go/robot
Vendor Dassault Systèmes
Vendor URL http://www.3ds.com

Name Domain Re-Animator Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Domain Re-Animator Bot
Vendor Domain Re-Animator, LLC
Vendor URL http://domainreanimator.com

Name Semrush Bot [ 18 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Semrush Bot
Bot URL http://www.semrush.com/bot.html
Vendor SEMrush
Vendor URL http://www.semrush.com

Name MojeekBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category MojeekBot
Bot URL http://www.mojeek.com/bot.html
Vendor Mojeek Ltd.
Vendor URL http://www.mojeek.com

Name Slackbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Slackbot
Bot URL https://api.slack.com/robots
Vendor Slack Technologies
Vendor URL http://slack.com

Name HubSpot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category HubSpot
Vendor HubSpot Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.hubspot.com

Name Google Favicon [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Google Favicon

Name Yeti/Naverbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Yeti/Naverbot
Bot URL http://help.naver.com/robots/
Vendor Naver
Vendor URL http://www.naver.com

Name LinkedIn Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category LinkedIn Bot
Bot URL http://www.linkedin.com
Vendor LinkedIn
Vendor URL http://www.linkedin.com

Name Feedly [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Feedly
Bot URL http://www.feedly.com

Name Heritrix [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Heritrix
Bot URL https://webarchive.jira.com/wiki/display/Heritrix/Heritrix
Vendor The Internet Archive
Vendor URL https://archive.org

Category SafeDNSBot
Bot URL https://www.safedns.com/searchbot
Vendor SafeDNS, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.safedns.com/

Name Iframely [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Iframely
Bot URL https://iframely.com/
Vendor Itteco Software, Corp.
Vendor URL https://iframely.com/

Name Genieo Web filter [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Genieo Web filter
Bot URL http://www.genieo.com/webfilter.html
Vendor Genieo
Vendor URL http://www.genieo.com

Category YaK
Bot URL https://www.linkfluence.com/
Vendor Linkfluence SAS
Vendor URL https://www.linkfluence.com/

Name Ezooms [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Ezooms
Vendor SEOmoz, Inc.
Vendor URL http://moz.com/

Name AddThis.com [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category AddThis.com
Vendor Clearspring Technologies, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.clearspring.com

Name Nutch-based Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Nutch-based Bot
Bot URL https://nutch.apache.org
Vendor The Apache Software Foundation
Vendor URL https://www.apache.org/foundation/

Name Linkdex Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Linkdex Bot
Bot URL http://www.linkdex.com/bots
Vendor Mojeek Ltd.
Vendor URL http://www.mojeek.com

Name archive.org bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category archive.org bot
Bot URL https://archive.org/details/archive.org_bot
Vendor The Internet Archive
Vendor URL https://archive.org

Category SISTRIX Crawler
Bot URL http://crawler.sistrix.net
Vendor URL http://www.sistrix.de

Name MetaInspector [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category MetaInspector
Bot URL https://github.com/jaimeiniesta/metainspector

Name Skype URI Preview [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Skype URI Preview
Vendor Skype Communications S.à.r.l.
Vendor URL https://www.skype.com

Name ICC-Crawler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ICC-Crawler
Bot URL http://www.nict.go.jp/en/univ-com/plan/crawl.html

Name Snapchat Proxy [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Snapchat Proxy
Bot URL https://www.snapchat.com
Vendor Snapchat Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.snapchat.com

Name FeedBurner [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category FeedBurner
Bot URL http://www.feedburner.com

Name Sprinklr [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Sprinklr
Vendor Sprinklr, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.sprinklr.com/

Category BUbiNG
Bot URL http://law.di.unimi.it/BUbiNG.html
Vendor The Laboratory for Web Algorithmics (LAW)
Vendor URL http://law.di.unimi.it/software.php#buging

Name Barkrowler [ 2 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Barkrowler
Bot URL http://www.exensa.com/crawl

Name Daum [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Daum
Bot URL http://tab.search.daum.net/aboutWebSearch_en.html
Vendor Daum Communications Corp.
Vendor URL http://www.kakaocorp.com/main

Name TraceMyFile [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category TraceMyFile
Bot URL https://www.tracemyfile.com/
Vendor Idee Inc.
Vendor URL http://ideeinc.com/

Name Serendeputy Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Serendeputy Bot
Bot URL https://serendeputy.com/about/serendeputy-bot

Name BrandVerity [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category BrandVerity
Bot URL https://www.brandverity.com/why-is-brandverity-visiting-me
Vendor BrandVerity, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.brandverity.com/

Name ccBot crawler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ccBot crawler
Bot URL http://commoncrawl.org/faq/
Vendor reddit inc.
Vendor URL http://www.reddit.com

Name Awario [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Awario
Bot URL https://awario.com/bots.html
Vendor Awario
Vendor URL https://awario.com/

Name Lighthouse [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Lighthouse
Bot URL https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse
Vendor Lighthouse
Vendor URL https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse

Name Riddler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Riddler
Bot URL https://riddler.io/about
Vendor F-Secure
Vendor URL https://www.f-secure.com

Name Ryowl [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Ryowl
Bot URL https://ryowl.org

Name oBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category oBot
Bot URL https://www.xforce-security.com/crawler/
Vendor IBM Germany Research & Development GmbH
Vendor URL https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/

Name FreeWebMonitoring [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category FreeWebMonitoring
Bot URL https://www.freewebmonitoring.com/bot.html
Vendor GreenWave Online, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.greenwaveonline.com/

Name AspiegelBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category AspiegelBot
Bot URL https://aspiegel.com/
Vendor Huawei
Vendor URL https://www.huawei.com/

Name Femtosearch [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Femtosearch
Bot URL http://femtosearch.com/
Vendor Grier Forensics, LLC
Vendor URL https://www.grierforensics.com/

Name Petal Bot [ 14 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Petal Bot
Bot URL https://aspiegel.com/petalbot

Name DataForSeoBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category DataForSeoBot
Bot URL https://dataforseo.com/dataforseo-bot

Name Amazon Bot [ 5 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Amazon Bot
Bot URL https://developer.amazon.com/support/amazonbot
Vendor Amazon.com, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.amazon.com/

Name Bytespider [ 19 BOTS REGISTERED ]
Category Bytespider
Bot URL https://bytedance.com/
Vendor ByteDance Ltd.
Vendor URL https://bytedance.com/

Name Buck [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Buck
Bot URL https://hypefactors.com/
Vendor Hypefactors A/S
Vendor URL https://hypefactors.com/

Name ZoominfoBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ZoominfoBot
Bot URL https://www.zoominfo.com

Name Seobility [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Seobility
Bot URL https://www.seobility.net/en/faq/?category=crawling#!aboutourbot

Name SurdotlyBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category SurdotlyBot
Bot URL http://sur.ly/bot.html

Category GPTBot
Bot URL https://platform.openai.com/docs/gptbot
Vendor OpenAI OpCo, LLC
Vendor URL https://openai.com/

Name InternetMeasurement [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category InternetMeasurement
Bot URL https://internet-measurement.com/

Name Sogou Spider [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Sogou Spider
Bot URL http://www.sogou.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm
Vendor Sohu, Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sogou.com

Name EFF Do Not Track Verifier [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category EFF Do Not Track Verifier
Bot URL https://www.eff.org/issues/do-not-track
Vendor Electronic Frontier Foundation
Vendor URL https://www.eff.org/

Name Expanse [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Expanse
Bot URL https://expanse.co/
Vendor Expanse Inc.
Vendor URL https://expanse.co/

Name Grammarly [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Grammarly
Bot URL https://www.grammarly.com

Name BuiltWith [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category BuiltWith
Bot URL https://builtwith.com/biup
Vendor BuiltWith Pty Ltd
Vendor URL https://builtwith.com/

Name Research Scan [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Research Scan
Bot URL http://researchscan.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/
Vendor RWTH Aachen University
Vendor URL https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/

Name Headline [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Headline
Bot URL https://headline.com/legal/crawler
Vendor e.ventures Managementgesellschaft mbH
Vendor URL https://headline.com/

Name 2ip [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category 2ip
Bot URL https://2ip.io/

Name Pinterest [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Pinterest
Bot URL https://help.pinterest.com/en/business/article/pinterest-crawler
Vendor Pinterest
Vendor URL https://www.pinterest.com/

Name start.me [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category start.me
Bot URL https://about.start.me/
Vendor start.me BV
Vendor URL https://about.start.me/

Name CensysInspect [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category CensysInspect
Bot URL https://about.censys.io/
Vendor Censys, Inc.
Vendor URL https://censys.io/

Category Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy
Bot URL https://developer.chrome.com/blog/private-prefetch-proxy/
Vendor Google Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.google.com/

Name Dataprovider [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Dataprovider
Vendor Dataprovider B.V.
Vendor URL https://www.dataprovider.com/

Name Seekport [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Seekport
Bot URL http://www.seekport.com/
Vendor URL https://www.sistrix.de/

Name 360Spider [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category 360Spider
Bot URL https://www.so.com/help/help_3_2.html
Vendor Online Media Group, Inc.

Name colly [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category colly
Bot URL https://github.com/gocolly/colly/

Category LeakIX
Bot URL https://leakix.net/
Vendor BaDaaS SRL
Vendor URL https://leakix.net/

Name Cốc Cốc Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Cốc Cốc Bot
Bot URL https://help.coccoc.com/en/search-engine/coccoc-robots
Vendor Cốc Cốc
Vendor URL https://coccoc.com/

Name Cincraw [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Cincraw
Bot URL http://cincrawdata.net/bot/

Name zgrab [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category zgrab
Bot URL https://github.com/zmap/zgrab

Category ChatGPT
Bot URL https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/bot
Vendor OpenAI OpCo, LLC
Vendor URL https://openai.com/

Name Gmail Image Proxy [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Gmail Image Proxy
Vendor Google Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.google.com

Name Mixrank Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Mixrank Bot
Bot URL http://mixrank.com
Vendor Online Media Group, Inc.

Name Velen Public Web Crawler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Velen Public Web Crawler
Bot URL https://hunter.io/robot

Name Quora Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Quora Bot
Vendor Quora
Vendor URL https://www.quora.com/

Name Netcraft Survey Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Netcraft Survey Bot
Vendor Netcraft
Vendor URL http://www.netcraft.com

Name AhrefsSiteAudit [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category AhrefsSiteAudit
Bot URL https://ahrefs.com/robot/site-audit
Vendor Ahrefs Pte Ltd
Vendor URL https://ahrefs.com/

Name Uptime Robot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Uptime Robot
Vendor Uptime Robot
Vendor URL http://uptimerobot.com

Category WhatCMS
Bot URL https://whatcms.org/
Vendor Nineteen Ten LLC
Vendor URL https://whatcms.org/

Name DomainStatsBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category DomainStatsBot
Bot URL https://domainstats.com/pages/our-bot
Vendor Domainstats Ltd
Vendor URL https://domainstats.com/

Name NiceCrawler [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category NiceCrawler
Bot URL https://www.nicecrawler.com/
Vendor Intelium Corp.
Vendor URL https://www.intelium.com/

Name Repo Lookout [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Repo Lookout
Bot URL https://www.repo-lookout.org/
Vendor Crissy Field GmbH
Vendor URL https://www.crissyfield.de/

Name W3C Markup Validation Service [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category W3C Markup Validation Service
Bot URL http://validator.w3.org/services
Vendor W3C
Vendor URL http://www.w3.org

Name Snap URL Preview Service [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Snap URL Preview Service
Bot URL https://developers.snap.com/robots
Vendor Snapchat Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.snapchat.com/

Name BrightEdge [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category BrightEdge
Bot URL https://www.brightedge.com/
Vendor BrightEdge Technologies, Inc
Vendor URL https://www.brightedge.com/

Name Panscient [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Panscient
Bot URL https://www.panscient.com/faq.htm
Vendor Panscient, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.panscient.com/

Name BitSight [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category BitSight
Bot URL https://www.bitsight.com/
Vendor BitSight Technologies, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.bitsight.com/

Category IPS Agent
Vendor VeriSign, Inc
Vendor URL http://www.verisign.com/

Name aiHitBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category aiHitBot
Bot URL https://www.aihitdata.com/about

Name serpstatbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category serpstatbot
Bot URL http://serpstatbot.com/
Vendor Netpeak Ltd
Vendor URL https://netpeak.net/

Name WellKnownBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category WellKnownBot
Bot URL https://well-known.dev

Name WebPageTest [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category WebPageTest
Bot URL https://www.webpagetest.org

Name Screaming Frog SEO Spider [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Screaming Frog SEO Spider
Bot URL http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider
Vendor Screaming Frog Ltd
Vendor URL http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk

Name Webwiki [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Webwiki
Bot URL https://www.webwiki.com/
Vendor webwiki GmbH
Vendor URL https://www.webwiki.com/

Name Kozmonavt [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Kozmonavt
Bot URL https://kozmonavt.ml

Name Google StoreBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Google StoreBot

Name Yahoo! Mail Proxy [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Yahoo! Mail Proxy
Bot URL https://help.yahoo.com/kb/yahoo-mail-proxy-SLN28749.html
Vendor Yahoo! Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.yahoo.com

Name CATExplorador [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category CATExplorador
Bot URL https://fundacio.cat/ca/domini/
Vendor Fundació puntCAT
Vendor URL https://fundacio.cat/ca/domini/

Name ZumBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ZumBot
Bot URL http://help.zum.com/inquiry
Vendor ZUM internet
Vendor URL http://www.zuminternet.com/

Name sqlmap [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category sqlmap
Bot URL http://sqlmap.org/
Vendor sqlmap
Vendor URL http://sqlmap.org/

Name Amazon ELB [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Amazon ELB
Bot URL https://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/
Vendor Amazon.com, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.amazon.com/

Name NewsBlur [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category NewsBlur
Bot URL http://www.newsblur.com

Name netEstate [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category netEstate
Bot URL http://www.website-datenbank.de/Impressum
Vendor netEstate GmbH
Vendor URL https://www.netestate.de/en/

Name SEOkicks [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category SEOkicks
Bot URL https://www.seokicks.de/robot.html

Category SMTBot
Bot URL https://www.similartech.com/smtbot
Vendor SimilarTech Ltd.
Vendor URL https://www.similartech.com/

Name Diffbot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Diffbot
Bot URL https://docs.diffbot.com/docs/getting-started-with-crawl
Vendor Diffbot Technologies Corp.
Vendor URL https://www.diffbot.com/

Name ContentKing [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ContentKing
Bot URL https://whatis.contentkingapp.com/
Vendor ContentKing BV
Vendor URL https://www.contentkingapp.com/

Name Alexa Site Audit [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Alexa Site Audit
Bot URL https://support.alexa.com/hc/en-us/articles/200450194
Vendor Alexa Internet
Vendor URL https://www.alexa.com

Name W3C CSS Validator [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category W3C CSS Validator
Bot URL http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator
Vendor W3C
Vendor URL http://www.w3.org

Name NewsGator [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category NewsGator
Bot URL http://www.newsgator.com

Category MagpieRSS
Bot URL http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/

Name Cocolyzebot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Cocolyzebot
Bot URL https://cocolyze.com/en/cocolyzebot
Vendor URL https://vsi-innovation.com/

Name Gregarius [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Gregarius
Bot URL https://web.archive.org/web/20100614011837/http://devlog.gregarius.net/docs/ua/

Name Discord Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Discord Bot
Bot URL https://discordapp.com

Name Wappalyzer [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Wappalyzer
Bot URL https://github.com/AliasIO/Wappalyzer
Vendor AliasIO
Vendor URL https://github.com/AliasIO

Name Turnitin [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Turnitin
Bot URL https://turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html

Name Nagios check_http [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Nagios check_http
Bot URL https://nagios.org
Vendor Nagios Plugins Development Team
Vendor URL https://nagios.org

Name t3versions [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category t3versions
Bot URL https://www.t3versions.com/bot
Vendor Torben Hansen
Vendor URL https://www.t3versions.com/

Name EmailWolf [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category EmailWolf

Name Datadog Agent [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Datadog Agent
Bot URL https://github.com/DataDog/dd-agent
Vendor Datadog
Vendor URL https://www.datadoghq.com/

Name Crawlson [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Crawlson
Bot URL https://www.crawlson.com/about
Vendor Crawlson
Vendor URL https://www.crawlson.com/

Name Asana [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Asana
Bot URL https://asana.com/
Vendor Asana, Inc.
Vendor URL https://asana.com/

Name Nmap [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Nmap
Bot URL https://nmap.org/book/nse.html
Vendor Nmap
Vendor URL https://nmap.org/

Name CriteoBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category CriteoBot
Bot URL https://www.criteo.com/criteo-crawler/

Name seolyt [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category seolyt
Bot URL https://seolyt.com/

Category LCC
Bot URL https://corpora.uni-leipzig.de/crawler_faq.html
Vendor Universität Leipzig
Vendor URL https://www.uni-leipzig.de/

Category YaCy
Bot URL http://yacy.net/bot.html
Vendor YaCy
Vendor URL http://yacy.net

Name LinkWalker [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category LinkWalker
Bot URL https://www.phishlabs.com/
Vendor PhishLabs, Inc.
Vendor URL https://www.phishlabs.com/

Name Adbeat [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Adbeat
Bot URL https://www.adbeat.com/operation_policy
Vendor PPC Labs LLC
Vendor URL https://www.adbeat.com/

Name Everyfeed [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Everyfeed
Bot URL https://web.archive.org/web/20050930235914/http://www.everyfeed.com/

Name Notify Ninja [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Notify Ninja
Bot URL http://notifyninja.com

Name ArchiveBox [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ArchiveBox
Bot URL https://archivebox.io/

Name l9explore [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category l9explore
Bot URL https://github.com/LeakIX/l9explore

Name Datanyze [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Datanyze
Vendor Datanyze
Vendor URL https://www.datanyze.com

Name MegaIndex [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category MegaIndex
Bot URL https://megaindex.com/crawler

Name Inetdex Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Inetdex Bot
Bot URL https://www.inetdex.com/

Name Domains Project [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Domains Project
Bot URL https://domainsproject.org

Name ArchiveBot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category ArchiveBot
Bot URL https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ArchiveBot
Vendor ArchiveTeam
Vendor URL https://wiki.archiveteam.org/

Name Zaldamo [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Zaldamo
Bot URL https://www.zaldamo.com/search.html
Vendor Project Orlando, LLC.
Vendor URL https://www.projectorlando.com/

Name nbertaupete95 [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category nbertaupete95

Name httpx [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category httpx
Bot URL https://github.com/projectdiscovery/httpx

Name Morningscore Bot [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Morningscore Bot
Bot URL https://morningscore.io/
Vendor Morningscore
Vendor URL https://morningscore.io/

Name Pageburst [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Pageburst
Bot URL https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/
Vendor Elsevier Ltd
Vendor URL https://www.elsevier.com/

Category BDCbot
Bot URL https://bigweb.bigdatacorp.com.br/pages/faq.aspx
Vendor BIG Data Solucoes Em Tecnologia de Informatica LTDA
Vendor URL https://bigdatacorp.com.br/

Name VK Share Button [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category VK Share Button
Bot URL http://vk.com/dev/Share
Vendor VK
Vendor URL http://vk.com/

Name Dotcom Monitor [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Dotcom Monitor
Bot URL https://www.dotcom-monitor.com

Name Siteimprove [ 1 BOT REGISTERED ]
Category Siteimprove
Bot URL https://siteimprove.com/
Vendor Siteimprove GmbH
Vendor URL https://siteimprove.com/

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