When we listen to our own podcasts, and we read some of our own articles, it's easy for us to identify the tone we take when we talk about the quality of competing products in the market. We don't apologise for our utter disdain for the quality of digital marketing and 'lead generation' products that make their way into the space, but we also have to further explain our position.
Lead Generation has become a space for self-declared experts to perpetuate a worst-practice method of generating leads - usually after completing a couple of online courses that introduce a basic mechanism that connects Facebook to a landing page and email experience... and that's kind of it. The system is one that we introduced to the market back in 1997 back in the day when we were somewhat formative in shaping how digital marketing would present itself in coming years... and this is the problem: the modern method of delivering leads (as others apply it) hasn't evolved as broad digital technology has introduced massive (yet blatantly ignored) opportunities for business. Worse still is the migration of marketing assets such as landing pages into paid-only third-party products. As you'll hear us say over and over, the notion that you'll send paid traffic, or groups of audiences you're looking to convert, to somebody else's website is utterly absurd. The value from a single paid visit to your landing page presents real marketing funnel opportunities by way of triggers, conditional content, form and panel escalation, and so on (as opposed to transactional sales funnels which does very little other than get somebody on a list), so the conversions you're able to return from a properly crafted marketing funnel is diametrically opposed to, and performs far higher than, the static experience generally served to market. Certainly, with the exception of our former Growth product, and those offered by some of the agencies that don't necessarily claim a specialty in the finance space, the finance market has never been introduced to a true marketing funnel experience... and we'd suggest that the typical business hasn't ever been exposed to what digital marketing is meant to look like.
It's worth downloading our Finance Marketing Guide so you're able to get a better picture of what digital marketing is meant to look like. Marketing is far more than landing pages, much bigger than just online marketing, and far broader than just Facebook.
We're obviously trying to change the industry and have businesses accept a new minimum and compliant standard. Certainly, the typical product that makes its way into market via those that claim a specialty in the finance space is less effective than the product we routinely give away for free. I'll repeat that: the typical 'marketing experience' (normally always associated with Facebook, and often costing between $5'000 and $15'000) is far less effective than our free product, 1800Funnels (formerly known as Uranus).
After looking at different ways we could provide an industry course-correction, we decided in the first instance to create a 'Rescue Package' for those that have previously invested their marketing budget into a flawed produce but appreciate the value and need for a powerful digital experience. In all cases below we've inherited clients from the other product and we've objectively determined that their product is far less effective than even our free product.
So, if you've invested in any of the products listed below you may qualify for our full marketing suite
at a heavily discounted rate with our full support (we may add more programs to the list below):
You may use the time links below to launch that part of our discussion that may interest you most.
Rescue Package is a means for those that have subscribe to or engaged with a poorer-performing digital product to more easily engage with our superior suite of higher-performing tools. We've only selected certain products based on certain criteria - most notably is that the other product must be at least three times less effective than our free tool, 1800Funnels.
At the time of recording this podcast the participant competing products are Mortgage Mastery, Andrew's Facebook Training, Mortgage Backpack, and Mortgage Magnet. If you're using any of these products we've demonstrated that even our free 1800Funnels product will attract and convert more than 3X more business. We introduce the conditions that apply. The offer existed until the end of January 2021 (now expired... but another and long-lived Rescue Product continues to apply).
05m 36s :
We discuss our tone and disdain for poor representation We often take aim at the mediocrity in the market. We briefly discuss how some of these horrible products have made their way into the market... and why people use them. We talk about the serious failings of some of these products and how even our simple free product is more powerful and converts more business. If you're going to pay for something it has to be good (and none of those products that includes Lead Pages, Click Funnels, Kartra and some other products satisfy the most basic digital marketing compliance requirements).
08m 45s :
The nature of poor Facebook advertising We start to talk about the very poor nature of mortgage broker Facebook adverts. We talk about the generic and carbon-copy ads that provide a worst-practice experience. We discuss some of the horrible ads we've identified that link to Kartra landing pages. "Not to be different is virtually suicidal". If "creativity is the last remaining unfair advantage in business", it means you have to be a little creative in order to position and differentiate. We talk about how a business must position itself, showcase its personality and culture, and remain true to its core branding. Domenico and Martin have taken it upon themselves to introduce real marketing support and advice to the industry.
20m 45s :
Lead Pages, Click Funnels, Kartra, and other LP Services is costing you business and conversions We often talk about how Lead Pages, Click Funnels, Kartra, and other landing page services are costing you conversions. The fact you'll host landing pages, and direct paid traffic, to third-party website, is simply absurd. We talk a lot about this issue because it's a business-debilitating practice that completely negates your ability to build a real marketing funnel. If you don't have your landing pages integrated with your marketing funnel then your marketing representation has failed you. We talk briefly about how our landing pages are created in seconds on your own website, and how any subscription or engagement will contribute towards your marketing experience. Because we're trying to course-correct the industry we provide a conditional and escalating website to our clients.
28m 43s :
Yabber is a blueprint for success Our Yabber Digital Marketing and Social Media platform is designed to provide a 'blueprint' for success. It provides support for both online and offline systems. We discuss ISO and QA assurance and how our systems might support your business to venture into that space. We talk about our Mastermind and Platinum group (we guarantee 120m in additional volume for the latter group).
30m 05s :
Brokers have not known what a digital marketing solution looks like until now We talk briefly about those that haven't achieved the level of success that they expected (in our 23 years it amounts to just a few businesses). We discuss some of the tools that we provide via Yabber, and how these tools should be used.
33m 18s :
A content generation strategy is necessary for good SEO You will not appear on the first page of Google unless you have a good content generation strategy. Ignore those flawed messages telling you that "all you need is Facebook" - this is untrue. How will good SEO improve upon your business success? Despite Yabber providing an article submission service, how effective is it in building your audience or improving upon your SEO. A long-term and sustainable SEO strategy is necessary for consistent organic results.
36m 25s :
The absurdity of off-site landing pages We talk once again about third-party landing pages. Why? It's costing you massive amounts of business. You absolutely cannot have a real marketing funnel with third-party landing page services. However, if you're putting a system together yourself, use whatever service works for you... but if paid representation has led you into a third-party landing service it really is time to ditch them.
38m 14s :
Every single page on your website is a type of landing page Every single page on your website is a potential organic entry point - traffic can come from anywhere, and your website is still the center of your marketing universe and needs to provide an opportunity to convert off every single page. Does your website convert audience and deliver a consistent flow of daily leads? If not, you need to adjust your website strategy.
39m 55s :
We provide the highest yield Facebook marketing in the business Despite providing the most powerful and the only integrated Facebook experience in the industry, we don't ignore other sources of traffic. No source of lead generation should be ignored. Many businesses come to us for Facebook advertising and are yet to provide a Facebook ad. Our systems provide mechanisms for providing online and offline lead generation. Our systems provide "Next Generation" Marketing. What steps should be taken before launching into Facebook ads?
43m 40s :
Converting website traffic We talk about how third-party landing pages are only accessible via paid promotion and how they don't provide a website-based conversion opportunity. Since every page on your website is a type of landing page, a conversion on every page relevant or associated with the content must be provided. On-site conversions converts mammoth amounts of traffic.
46m 05s :
Our own strategy (SEO and the former Growth Program) We talk about our own SEO strategy in brief. We also talk about how our former Growth program isn't what it once was... despite every single business that undertook the full program seeing success.
47m 45s :
A brief introduction to SEO results We briefly discuss some SEO considerations that are necessary for results. We talk briefly about EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust) and YMML (Your Money or Your Life) - both Google terms, with EAT underpinning our own Magic Lantern Model. In the last 18 months our brokers have made 75-80 appearance on TV news media by virtue of their website EAT, and because their social media presence reinforces that expertise.
52m 17s :
Content generation and our article submission program Despite not being huge advocates for article submission programs we do have our own service. However, we follow SEO best practice to avoid duplicate content penalties (canonical URL, source, cite tags, and rel tags etc.). Duplicate content is not necessarily bad, but if all you have on your website is duplicate content then you're in for a world of hurt. We talk about how our system works with SEO and SEO optimised marketing assets. If we want our SEO traffic to convert we obviously need to provide site-wide conversion opportunities into our marketing funnel. Content is still king - ignore those clueless monkeys that try and tell you otherwise.
59m 50s :
The Website Chameleon Effect (and Triggers) Third-party and off-site landing page and page inclusions seriously negates your ability to take advantage of organic traffic. The complimentary website we provide brokers is extremely sophisticated in that it morphs based on the user that visits your website - we provide information that is most relevant to a user and most likely to convert. We talk about our extensive trigger system that helps craft a user customer journey. Triggers include email triggers, website triggers, Venus triggers, Wistia video triggers, Telco triggers, and more. We also discuss the appropriate use of triggers. The Facebook Custom Audience trigger is introduced, and how it is used... including off more obscure sources such as an inbound phone call.
1h 10m 32s :
Horrible Facebook advertising in real-time We look at some horrible Facebook ads in real-time to demonstrate how the generic carbon-copy ads aren't very effective (we find a few good ads as well). Any advertising is better than no advertising so even bad marketing works; improving upon your ads will deliver better results (most Facebook programs only work because of the 'any marketing is better than no marketing' effect).
1h 21m 30s :
A very brief look at our text messaging service We briefly introduce our text message service as a comparison against other services. We use Telstra exclusively because it is the only compliant service we've identified for financial related applications. The RBA SMS is introduced in brief (discussed in more detail in Podcast 9 = "Gravity").
If you've invested in another product and would like to take advantage of our RP Pricing, please make contact with us and we'll evaluate it for quality. Generally speaking, any product that includes Lead Pages, Click Funnels, Kartra, Mailchimp, and other similar systems, are all inherently lower-performing and qualify. We've inherited products and increased upon the return by 37X (the exception rather than the rule... but it's very easy to multiple your results by three times).
1h 36m 35s :
Our product is Enterprise Level... for a Consumer Price We've taken a high-priced and highly functional enterprise level experience and made it available at the consumer business level. And we've made it at a price that is priced lower than the typical poor experience. We simply guarantee better results.
1h 38m 05s :
Our free product - 1800 Funnels ("Funnels") Our older Uranus product has undergone a massive transition and is now made available as "Funnels". Some of the Rescue participants were used for testing and we now expect the product to be release in the second quarter of 2021 (a free white-label version is made available to aggregation and other large groups).
If you're interested in more information, please call us on 1300 235 433 (1300 BELIEF) or 02 8765 8886. For the rescue package, you might want to call on 02 87658887 - this is essentially a 24-hour support line.
Because we assign a great deal of time into each of those that is ingested into our experience we've have limited the number of participants to only two brokers per week. Additionally, we will close the program (at this stage) on January 31st 2021. The first release of the Rescue program is currently closed but we're continuing to apply discounts to those that have invested in the mentioned programs (the same conditions apply).