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BeliefMedia WordPress Plugin Archive [ Installation Instructions | Plugins ]

Qotz [ Shortcode ]

This page exists as a landing page to support the Qotz WordPress plugin. You may find additional information on our blog by searching the qotz Tag: qotz tag.

Note that the updated plugin for QOTZ is forthcoming.

Qotz.net was built for the single purpose of making a very simple API available to access our growing database of well over 100,000 quotes. As with many of our basic projects, it was built to make better utilisation of a vacant domain name. The database is updated manually and via automated means on a daily basis - so it's always growing.

The result of this function will render something like this on your website:

""It is truer to say that martyrs create faith more than faith creates martyrs." — Miguel de Unamuno"

Because we're retrieving two individual attributes (text and author) from the XML, it's easy to style the quote in a manner that's most fitting.

Shortcode Attributes


We cache the quote for one hour by default (3600 seconds). To cache the result for 30 minutes use cache="1800".


By default we'll use two hyphens between the quote text and the attribution. To alter, use something like sep="::".


If you choose to alter the basic style applied to the attribution text, use tags="em" (in this case outputting the attribution in italics without the < or >) Each tag must be separated by a comma.


To wrap the quote in paragraph tags, use p="1" (false by default).


Insert the shortcode of [qotz] wherever it is you want your quote to be rendered. The first basic example simply outputs a default quote (in paragraph tags). We've used [qotz p="1"].

"It is truer to say that martyrs create faith more than faith creates martyrs." — Miguel de Unamuno

In the second example we'll use bold and itallic tags for the attribution (in paragraph). Usage is as follows: [qotz p="1" tags="strong,em"].

"It is truer to say that martyrs create faith more than faith creates martyrs." — Miguel de Unamuno

In the final example we'll use bold tags for the attribution (in paragraph), and use a single long dash as the seperator between the text and attribution. Usage is as follows: [qotz p="1" tags="strong" sep="&mdash;"].

"It is truer to say that martyrs create faith more than faith creates martyrs." — Miguel de Unamuno

In second and third examples above the quote is wrapped in <blockquote> tags.

Change Log


Title: Display Aviation Quotes on Your Website (Shortcode)
Description: Display Aviation Quotes on Your Website With WordPress or PHP.
  Download • Version 0.2, 1.0K, zip, Category: WordPress Shortcodes

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Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
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