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BeliefMedia WordPress Plugin Archive [ Installation Instructions | Plugins ]


This page exists as a landing page to support the Facts WordPress plugin. You may find additional information on our blog by searching the facts Tag: facts tag.

Here's a fact for you: The domain name of fayd.org means nothing. It's just one that was chosen from the pile to serve its noble purpose. If memory serves, a friend had me register it when he had a "Fashion At Your Door" (FAYD) idea. When all the domains expired, I kept this one.

Some of the facts that we have on record are interesting and weve validated... others are crap and we have no idea if they're true. Some of the records are submitted via a few different third-party platforms so we dont have an overly effective way of confirming everything that's posted to us.

The Result

The result of the shortcode [fact] will render something like this on your website:

The average home creates more pollution than does the average car. 

True? No idea. The bolding is mine.

Shortcode Attributes


To wrap the fact in paragraph tags (as WordPress usually requires) use p="1" (false by default). Not wrapping it in p tags means you can include the fact in inline text.


The cache period determines how long the record should be stored in your local WP database before we retrieve a new record. 3600 seconds (1 hour) by default.

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Currently not available. Back soon.

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