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BeliefMedia WordPress Plugin Archive [ Installation Instructions | Plugins ]

BeliefMedia Simple Accordion

This documentation supports an article on our blog introducing how to include basic accordions on your website that reference various post types, and include excerpts of post content. This is an abbreviated version of the plugin clients enjoy, which is used mainly to support the inclusion of FAQs into their website. The plugin is limited in its functionality but still includes a large number of features.

The accordions are introduced on our blog in an article titled "Simple Accordion FAQ and Links in WordPress".


The plugin requires BeliefMedia Core. The Core plugin enables updates, but will also register you with an API Key. If you do not wish basic registration details sent to us upon registration then please do not download the plugin. You should also ideally download and install BeliefMedia Simple Cache to take advantage of the caching feature.

The Result

The most common use of the shortcode is to return a number of posts associated with a particular category. For example, [bm_accordion term="finance"] returns the following:

We've had an increasing number of businesses come to us that require a word-for-word privacy, terms, complaints (dispute resolution), and General Disclaimer on their website, and ACL holders are sensibly requiring the sea of websites managed by their credit representatives to be kept up-to-date. Once printed, these disclaimers are usually managed via a non-controlled email… [ Learn More ]

During the Banking Royal Commission, I participated in an ANU Committee that investigated the viability and role of aggregation in the mortgage market, with findings fed to the commission in order to shape their discussions. Our recommendations weren't published, discussed, or considered. Instead, it was the focus of broker commissions, best interest duty, and the… [ Learn More ]

LoanOptions.AI are an asset finance company that leverages their technology by making it available to mortgage brokers. Asset finance filter through to LoanOptions, while home loan leads are fed back to brokers. We've had a couple of our own brokers partner with the company so we built a standalone WordPress plugin to quickly enable the… [ Learn More ]

Around March this year we had a client ask to have default page titles and formatting modified on around 70 pages. The request exposed a weakness in the mortgage broker website architecture that prevented easy modification of page titles on a large number of pages, and with a recent update to the website framework,… [ Learn More ]

We've recently updated the 'Testimonials' website and Yabber module, and the changes are significant enough that they require a reintroduction to the feature. Some like reviews. Others don't. We don't. In the broking world, however, and in the broader finance space in particular, reviews serve a valid purposes, and in a world populated with copious… [ Learn More ]

A couple of years ago we introduced a featured rate panel that'd return formatted rates within a style of textbox. On the back of a recent request from a client, we've created a new style of featured panel that'll return a similar lender rate textbox that is managed entirely from Yabber. While the former… [ Learn More ]

In creating the revised version of our Mortgage Broker Website, we've had to create various elements that'll support different types of navigation. The first of these tools is the 'Link Block' module, and this article introduces the very basic feature. Similar to the Related Series module, the feature simply creates a block… [ Learn More ]

We archive about as much data as ASIC and other regulatory bodies or institutions make available. The API we make available to all clients by virtue of their assigned key provides access to a large number of resources and tools - most of which they'll never use. This article introduces the ASIC API in brief… [ Learn More ]

Built on the back of our Lender Data API, and supplementing features such as Lender Widgets, Rate Ribbons, Rate Blocks, Lender Archives, and Lender Product Pages, we've just released the Lender Document (and Media) APIs. Our Mortgage Broker Website is now shipped with an Elementor Block that'll enable the features we're about to describe.… [ Learn More ]

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process that converts an image of text into a machine-readable text format. For example, if you scan a form or a receipt, or you receive a scanned PDF or image from a client, the OCR facility will evaluate that object, extract the text, and save the resulting information to… [ Learn More ]

We've actually included the attributes of margin_bottom="30" hover="#B6B6B6" selected="#C9C9C9" color_selected="000000" number="10" to alter the appearance, and limit the number of results to just 10 articles.

In the next example we'll use the accordion as if it were part of a series or similar where numbering might be required. Using default styling, and limiting results to just 5 results, the shortcode of [bm_accordion cpt="post" taxonomy="category" term="api" number="5" icon="0"] (note the icon attribute of '0' - this creates numbering).

In May of 2024 we introduced our Malware API, and we briefly introduced how we'd use the facility to mitigate the onslaught of illicit web traffic looking for server and plugin vulnerabilities that might potentially be exploited. While the service has made a significant impact on blocking malicious traffic, it was far from perfect,… [ Learn More ]

Some time back we had a website with an 'unauthorised' plugin introduce sophisticated Malware into a website that resulted in damage that made its way into other system files. As a result of that breach we introduced additional measures to mitigate the impact of potential intrusions - a necessity given the sensitive nature of any… [ Learn More ]

There's no easy way to stop spam and scam phone calls. We looked at building a mobile application that'd rely on user data to build a reliable and open freely-available database but the process required garnishing millions of local users... but this process was just unreasonable and outside our areas of focus. The fact that… [ Learn More ]

We archive about as much data as ASIC and other regulatory bodies or institutions make available. The API we make available to all clients by virtue of their assigned key provides access to a large number of resources and tools - most of which they'll never use. This article introduces the ASIC API in brief… [ Learn More ]

Built on the back of our Lender Data API, and supplementing features such as Lender Widgets, Rate Ribbons, Rate Blocks, Lender Archives, and Lender Product Pages, we've just released the Lender Document (and Media) APIs. Our Mortgage Broker Website is now shipped with an Elementor Block that'll enable the features we're about to describe.… [ Learn More ]

The plugin is very lightweight as it's rendered with just CSS and a few lines of code. There are no JavaScript dependencies or libraries.

Shortcode Attributes

The following attributes may be used to alter the appearance of the accordion. Note that the style is inline; not ideal... but it works.


The color of the accordion text. Defaults to #FBFBFB.


The accordion title color when that accordion is selected and opened. Defaults to #FBFBFB.


The colour of the accordion panel when hovering over with your mouse cursor.


The colour of the accordion panel when selected and opened. The above color_selected attribute should be in contrast.


The number of words to include in the accordion excerpt. Defaults to 55.


The height of the accordion panel. Defaults to 40.


The more attribute alters the "Learn More" text that will navigate the user to the destination page.


The icon to use for each accordion. Limited in the general plugin, you should generally use a HTML attribute or font awesome icon.


If you're a Yabber user that is using this plugin on a website that doesn't have the BM Plugin installed, you may still retrieve custom stylistic profile with the profile attribute (so all others can be ignored).


The post type. Defaults to 'post'. In the BM plugin it will default to 'faq'. Can generally be left with the default setting.


The taxonomy type. Defaults to category. Can generally be left with the default setting.


The field that will be queried. This is set to slug and generally shouldn't be altered.


The term or a comma-delimited string of terms to query. This is the slug associated with a category, so it might look like term="cat-1,cat-2,cat-3".


The margin under the accordion container. Defaults to 30.


THa margin above the accordion container. Defaults to 30.


The number of results to return. By default it returns everything... not a great idea. You can limit with number="10.


The length of the title in the accordion. The title won't overlap (yet) so you should truncate to fit titles in each accordion container.


If Simple Cache is installed you may cache the results. This is a sensible idea as it minimises the load of your DB.

Change Log

Version 0.1, July 20, 2021
Initial basic plugin. Intended mainly to demonstrate how Belief's FAQ system is used.

  • Initial: New plugin. Returns a simple accordion of posts or any post category with shortcode. Use

    No articles to show.

    . Refer plugin page for usage details.


Please note that the BeliefMedia Core plugin is required before this plugin will activate or function.

Title: BeliefMedia Simple Accordion
Description: The accordion shortcode will return an accordion of your website posts or other post types. Various stylistic attributes apply. Client should not use this plugin as the feature is built into the default website FAQ module.
  Download • Version 0.1, 2.8K, zip, Category: WordPress Plugins (BeliefMedia Client Plugins)

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Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
Finance Guide, Cropped Top and Bottom
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