RBA Cash Rate: 4.10% · 1AUD = 0.63 USD · Inflation: 2.4%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.13% (5.89%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 4.99% (5.91%*) • Fixed: 4.99% (5.91%*) • Variable: 5.13% (5.89%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 4.99% (5.91%*)
BeliefMedia WordPress Plugin Archive [ Installation Instructions | Plugins ]

BeliefMedia RBA

The RBA and exchange plugin is detailed in an article in our blog titled "Free RBA Cash Rate, Inflation, CPI, and Exchange Rate Graph Website Plugin". The article details how the features of the BeliefMedia RBA plugin are used.

This page provides the basic documentation necessary to use the plugin on your website. Client will already have the BeliefMedia RBA Premium plugin installed (documentation is available on Yabber).


Shortcode of [bm_cashrate] will return the current cash rate: 4.10% (bolding is ours).

Shortcode of [bm_cashrate_graph rates_new_oo="0" rates_existing_oo="0" rates_investment="0"] returns:

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A full-featured graph is returned with shortcode of just [bm_cashrate_graph]. The APRA reported average rates are a limited dataset so will not occupy the entire graph.

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Shortcode of [bm_cashrate_graph rates_new_oo="0" rates_existing_oo="0" rates_investment="0" cpi="0" bar_colour="rgb(7, 120, 16, 0.4)" start="20191101" end="20210501"] returns:

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Shortcode of [bm_exchange] returns:

Shortcode of [bm_exchange_value to="usd" value="3.25"]%%exchange%%[/bm_exchange_value] returns $2.14. In other words, AU$3.25 will buy you USD$2.14.

>h3>Core Graph Exmaples

Shortcode of [bm_graph type="bar,line" labels="Q1 2020,Q2 2020,Q3 2020, Q4 2020,Q1 2021, Q2 2021" label="Percentage of Loans Written by Brokers, Belief Facebook Volume" background="#FF0000,#549A52," data="57.6|42195,58.4|38955,57.6|32542,60.1|44523,61.1|41588,59.8|40151"] returns:

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A grouped bar graph with a single line is returned as follows: [bm_graph type="bar,bar,line" labels="Alpha,Bravo,Charlie,Delta,Echo,Foxtrot" label="Foo,Bar,Bel" background="#FF0000,#549A52,#000080" data="9|8|72,22|5|67,7|8|92,10|11|125,13|14|150,16|17|45"]. The result:

A pie chart can be returned as follows: [bm_graph type="pie" labels="Red,Blue,Green" label="Colours" background="#FF0000,#0000FF,#286C4F" data="20,50,70"]. The result:

The pie chart can be rendered in 3D (as can any other chart) with the dimension="3d" attribute.

RBA Cash Rate Shortcode Attributes

No attributes apply for returning the cash rate in plain text. Use as follows: [bm_cashrate].

RBA Graph Shortcode Attributes

Various attributes alter the manner in which data is returned to a user. Confused? Feel free to call us on 1300 235 433 for guidance.


Include inflation graph? Defaults to true. Remove with inflation="0".


Include APRA reported new Owner Occupied Rates? Defaults to true. Remove with rates_new_oo="0".


Include APRA reported existing Owner Occupied Rates? Defaults to true. Remove with rates_existing_oo="0".


Include APRA reported existing Investment Rates? Remove with rates_investment="0".


Include API Graph? Remove with cpi="0".


The number of points to include in the graph. Shouldn't be used with start and end times.


If you would like to return data between specific dates you should use a start and end date. Use as follows: start="20200601" (1st June 2020). An 8 or 10-figure time group is accepted. Should be used with an end date.


If you would like to return data between specific dates you should use a start and end date. Use as follows: start="20200601" (1st June 2020). An 8 or 10-figure time group is accepted. Should be used with a start date.


The API returns daily data, weekly data, monthly data, Tuesday-only data, and any point where a change was introduced. By default, and as part of the free plugin (at this stage, anyhow) we return only tuesday data.


The width of the graph. Defaults to 100%. Any width over 100 (width="600") will return that graph width in pixels.


The height of the graph. Defaults to 400px. Alter as required: height="450".


The graph title. Defaults to 'RBA Cash Rate' if the next attribute is set to true. Alter as required (title="This is another title).


The title will not show by default as it's expected you'll title the graph in context. Use title_display="1" to show.


Show chart legend? Recommended. Use legend="0" to hide.


The legend colour. Defaults to rgb(80, 80, 80). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Padding above the title. Use as follows: title_padding_top="30".


Padding below the title. Use as follows: title_padding_bottom="20".


The colour of the primary RBA Cash Rate Bars. Defaults to rgb(62, 149, 205, 0.6). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Colour of the inflation graph. Defaults to rgb(106, 106, 106, 0.5). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The inflation point colour. Defaults to rgb(106, 106, 106, 0.5). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The inflation border colour. Defaults to rgb(106, 106, 106, 0.5). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Inflation border width colour. Defaults to 1. Alter as follows: inflation_border_width="3".


Inflation border radius. Defaults to 1. Alter as follows: inflation_border_radius="3".


Inflation border size. Defaults to 1. Alter as follows: inflation_border_radius="3".


The cash rate bar start colour. Defaults to #727272. Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value. The rate_colour_end should normally be the same.


The cash rate bar end colour. Defaults to #727272. Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value. The rate_colour should normally be the same. If the rate_colour and rate_colour_end colours differ, the bars will show a gradient between the two colours (not appropriate for cash rate graphs).


The CPI graph colour. Defaults to rgb(3, 124, 91, 0.2). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The CPI point colour. Defaults to rgb(3, 124, 91, 0.2). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The CPI border colour. Defaults to rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The CPI border width. Defaults to 1. Alter as required cpi_border_width="3".


The CPI border radius. Defaults to 1. Alter as required cpi_border_width="3".


The CPI border size. Defaults to 1. Alter as required cpi_border_width="3".


The period of time to cache the resulting graph (stored as HTML via a simple caching tool made available in the BeliefMedia Core plugin. Defaults to 86400 (one day). Alter as required; for example cache="259200" (3 days).

Exchange Rate Shortcode Attributes

Various attributes alter the manner in which data is returned to a user. Confused? Feel free to call us on 1300 235 433 for guidance.


The currency values to return. Defaults to usd,nzd,sgd,cad,eur,gbp. Alter as required with a comma delimited string, such as fields="usd,nzd,cad".


Frequency is day, month, or week.[/sc].


The number of points to return in the graph. Shouldn't be used when a start or end time is provided.[/sc].


The period of time to cache the resulting graph (stored as HTML via a simple caching tool made available in the BeliefMedia Core plugin. Defaults to 86400 (one day). Alter as required; for example cache="259200" (3 days).


If you would like to return data between specific dates you should use a start and end date. Use as follows: start="20200601" (1st June 2020). An 8 or 10-figure time group is accepted. Should be used with an end date.


If you would like to return data between specific dates you should use a start and end date. Use as follows: start="20200601" (1st June 2020). An 8 or 10-figure time group is accepted. Should be used with a start date.


The width of the graph. Defaults to 100%. Any width over 100 (width="600") will return that graph width in pixels.


The height of the graph. Defaults to 400px. Alter as required: height="450".


The graph title. Defaults to 'Exchange Rates (Measured Against Australian Dollar)' if the next attribute is set to true. Alter as required (title="This is another title).


The title will not show by default as it's expected you'll title the graph in context. Use title_display="1" to show.


Show chart legend? Recommended. Use legend="0" to hide.


The legend colour. Defaults to rgb(80, 80, 80). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Padding above the title. Use as follows: title_padding_top="30".


Padding below the title. Use as follows: title_padding_bottom="20".


The border width. Defaults to 1. Alter as required ine_border_width="3".


The border radius. Defaults to 1. Alter as required ine_border_width="3".


The CPI border size. Defaults to 1. Alter as required line_border_width="3".


The period of time to cache the resulting graph (stored as HTML via a simple caching tool made available in the BeliefMedia Core plugin. Defaults to 86400 (one day). Alter as required; for example cache="259200" (3 days).

Basic Exchange Currency Value

Exchange rates are returned as a placeholder within shortcode. For example, [bm_exchange_value to="usd" value="10"]my placeholder of %%exchange%% in here[/bm_exchange_value] returns the following: my placeholder of $6.58 in here. This placeholder feature is reserved for a future update where we'll include tooltip text.


The 'to' currency. Must obviously be a currency we support. Most often 'usd'.


The numeric value of the currency value you wish to convert.


The numeric value of the currency value you wish to convert. Defaults to 1.


The number of decimal places in the returned conversion. Defaults to 2.


The length of time to retain the value in cache. Defaults to 18 hours.

Change Log

Version 0.2, July 1, 2021
Minor changes required for release into the general broker market.

  • Colour Graph Contrast: Option to degrade colour based on start and end colour. Usually not required for RBA graphing but is required for a future feature.

Version 0.1, June 30, 2021
Initial Release to broker market. Modified version of feature-rich client version.

  • Currency Conversion: Included Currency Conversions. This was an update on 0.0 as tested by a few brokers.
  • Initial Release to Brokers: Version 0.1 is the first version but expected to be updated if well-received. Will provide an update link when an update is available. AT this stage only may be downloaded via Facebook Group.


This plugin is currently made available from within our Facebook Group . Please note that the BeliefMedia Core plugin is required before this plugin will activate or function.

Title: BeliefMedia RBA
Description: The plugin will return a naked RBA cash rate and case rate graphs which includes optional CPI, inflation, and Interest Rate data. The secondary feature of the plugin returns a single currency exchange rate value or currency exchange rate graph.
  Download • Version 0.2, 4.4K, zip, Category: WordPress Plugins (BeliefMedia Client Plugins)

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Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
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