The LoanOptions workflow consists of three parts: the widget, the application page, and the upload page. The widget presents as shown below (styling was defined by LO to be consistent with client branding - custom styling is not available).
Pictured: The LoanOptions Apply Widget may be placed in any location on any page. Configuration is made by LoanOptions themselves so configuration is limited.
LoanOptions requires two additional pages be created on the root URL with 'slugs' of
and upload-document
. All that is required of a user is that the pages are created - no code is required to be copied into any page. The application page returns as follows:
Pictured: The 'Application' page. The only user action required once the plugin is installed is the creation of the 'application' and 'upload-document' pages. We apply a rate ribbon and a block of rates under the application panel for reasons of aesthetics. The application panel renders directly below the header.
No code is required to be copied into the newly created pages - they should merely exist.
Plugin details are available on our blog.
Change Log
- Initial Plugin: First plugin Beta release. Made available via BM's Facebook Group and selected email lists.
The download is usually made available in our Facebook Group , and it is always sent to those on our finance-related mailing list after a few days. Please note that the BeliefMedia Core plugin is required before this plugin will activate or function.
Title: BeliefMedia LoanOptions
Description: BeliefMedia LoanOptions creates the environment necessary to render the widget, application, and upload page, as made available from LoanOptionsAI. Two pages need to be created under the root domain: 'application' and 'upload-document'. No code is necessary to be copied.
Download • Version 0.1, 757.7K, zip, Category: WordPress Plugins (BeliefMedia Client Plugins)