RBA Cash Rate: 4.10% · 1AUD = 0.63 USD · Inflation: 2.4%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.13% (5.89%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 4.99% (5.91%*) • Fixed: 4.99% (5.91%*) • Variable: 5.13% (5.89%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 4.99% (5.91%*)
BeliefMedia WordPress Plugin Archive [ Installation Instructions | Plugins ]

BeliefMedia Bankbox

Bankbox enables you to quickly and easily create bank-themed textboxes for over 90 banks with full stylistic control over how each 'bankbox' is presented.

Note: This plugin requires the installation of the 'BeliefMedia Core' website plugin. This plugin will also register your website for future updates and features. Details here.

Read our article on the Bankbox WordPress plugin for more information.

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Bankbox Demos

A basic Commonwealth Bank textbox is returned with the shortcode of [bankbox type="cba"]Your content in here.[/bankbox]. The result:

This is a Commonwealth Bank textbox. It's handy when highlighting one product over another, or making a specific statement about a particular bank.

It's very basic by default. The primary bank colour is used for the border with an opacity applied to the background. For the next example we'll create a Westpac textbox. Shortcode of [bankbox type="wba"]Your content in here.[/bankbox] returns the following:

The banking codes used are standard codes applied to deposit taking institutions. Other tiered lenders have codes created by Belief.

You may obviously style the textbox to your liking with shortcode attributes (detailed below). Should we include a title the result is as follows:

This is an ANZ Textbox
The title colour is applied based on the primary bank colour but you may overwrite this with various shortcode attributes, as introduced shortly.

Three versions are shown for each bankbox - a standard box, a box with a title, and a 'sidebar' version. Only the default version of each bankbox is shown but all the stylistic components may be modified to your liking.

Click to show the demonstration and default bankboxes. It's hidden only because the list is quite large (around 300 results).

Video Introduction

Shortcode Attributes

In all cases a default style is applied to any textbox. Any stylistic element may be altered with the following shortcode attributes.


If using a custom image for your bank or other icon, use url="https://yoururl.com/image.png".


The three letter bank code, or either 'caution', 'alert', or 'warning'.Use as follows: type="cba".


False by default, enable in your shortcode with title="This is a title" (as shown in the examples).


Disable the bank icon with image="0". The image is automatically removed when sidebar (as introduced shortly) is used.


Standard text colour is usually set to #555555, as shown in the examples. Alter as necessary.


The container background color (behind content text). We use your primary colour by default and make it transparent with an opacity of 10%. Alter as necessary with a HEX or RGB value.


Applies to the background colour. When providing a HEX value, also include an optional opacity value (20% by default).

bordercolor, border, border_top, border_bottom, border_left, bordertype, border_curve

Alter border attributes as necessary. Use a full style string for border_top, border_bottom, border_left, such as border_bottom="4px solid #000000". The border_curve applies curved corners to the top-left and top-right of the container when a title is used.

size, lineheight, title_lineheight

Various text attributes. The bankbox will inherit various styles from your current theme so it's often important to use these values to restore peace and harmony to the world.


With of the textbox with px or %. Use something like width="350px" or width="50%".


The title background is normally the same as the border colour. Alter as required with title_background="#000000".

margin_top & margin_bottom

The margin above and below the bankbox container.


Using sidebar="1" (with a width attribute) includes a wide logo on top of the text. If used in a sidebar you won't have to alter the width as it defaults to 95%.

Clients will normally use the Elementor drag-and-drop version that negates the need to use any shortcode. However, there may be times where you're required to use shortcodes and the various changes are enabled with the following attributes. Note that the following is only available to clients or product subscribers.


When product automation is used (by way of any placeholder) you may truncate the returned bank description with words="100". The sidebar version is usually suitable for longer text.


When product automation is used (by way of any placeholder) you may alter the default 'Learn More' text with anchor="Book a Consultation" (or similar).

repayment_type, rate, purpose, products, sort_on_lowest, category

When product automation is used (by way of any placeholder) you may alter the automatically populated result based on type (investment, residential etc), sort on either the lowest interest rate or comparison rate, or return specific product details. This feature is documented elsewhere for clients.

Change Log

Version 0.1.4, June 26, 2021
Corrected issue with deactivation. Based on order of deactivation with Core.

  • Core definition on deactivation: Added fix to prevent null on deactivation.

Version 0.1.3, June 26, 2021
Update for release to general broker market.

  • Plugin Updates: Plugin updates are now available via Belief's Plugin API.
  • Integration with Core: Integrated with core plugin to remove duplication.


The download is usually made available in our Facebook Group , and it is always sent to those on our finance-related mailing list after a few days. Please note that the BeliefMedia Core plugin is required before this plugin will activate or function.

Title: BeliefMedia Bankbox
Description: Bankbox enables you to quickly and easily create bank-themed textboxes for over 90 banks with full stylistic control over how each 'bankbox' is presented. Full details and usage information is available on our website.
  Download • Version 0.1.4, 3.0K, zip, Category: WordPress Plugins (BeliefMedia Client Plugins)

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