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Belief’s Platinum Program Guarantees 150 Million in Additional Volume

Belief’s Platinum Program Guarantees 150 Million in Additional Volume

Belief has supported the finance industry through leading digital marketing since 1997; we introduced Facebook and Google advertising to the industry, and we've founded our own award-winning 500-million-dollar brokerage. So, when we're critical of the bottom-of-the-barrel lead-generation services and Facebook-only culture we're doing so with the backing of significant industry experience.

150-Million: The Platinum product now returns volume of 150-million. Consistent with property interest and price increases, the increase in return was necessary to be more consistent with organic growth in the market. All references to 120-million should now read as 150-million. Updated August 2021.

Since 2015 our leading (and former) Broker Growth program has assisted more brokers than anybody else in the industry to scale their operation, and we've supported the implementation of systems and software to achieve desired outcomes. Since that program was retired in favour of Yabber Tag: yabber-based support, we've introduced a Platinum tier (formerly used for manage clients) where we guarantee an additional 120-million in business volume. At the time of writing the vibrant property industry and 'refinance culture' (one that has presented its own set of challenges) makes this easier than it once was, so we may increase the returned volume to be more consistent with the ease of which it is now generated.

Not all brokers that participated in Growth saw the success that they expected. Some only doubled in size, while others have gone on to become industry leaders. The one common roadblock with every single broker we've encountered that had specific growth goals but failed to achieve their desired results is their willingness to immerse themselves in the necessary programs that we know returns results. We say over and over - despite providing what is unquestionably the leading Facebook and only integrated experience Tag: yabber in the market - that paid lead generation is simply not enough.... yet, sometimes, it's all that brokers wanted. Basically, some brokers just wanted to pay their rent... while others (those that excelled) wanted to 'buy the building'.

We see brokers flock to Facebook for just five settlements a month when applying the necessary effort in other areas will return them more immediate growth, and we see brokers gravitate towards 'coaching programs' when the results we evaluate by those we invariably inherit are abysmal. We hear brokers talk about their poor-performing website when it's not crafted in a way that will actually convert or even attract traffic. Seriously, the whole approach to digital and its support of the finance industry has to change.

Note: We inherit brokers from Facebook and lead generation programs all the time. We have introduced a Rescue Package based on products we've inherited, and when we've determined that our free 1800Funnels product is at least three times power powerful - we've created an easier means of using Yabber. Our free 1800Funnels product will be opened up to the market indiscriminately soon (it's currently in invitation only).

The option to provide any program of your choice in a style that floats your boat is the reason we created Yabber Tag: yabber. Yabber provides a system or tool for every digital touch-point your company will ever need to see rapid growth, and you may introduce methods into your business at a pace consistent with your lifestyle.

Our claims of better results is not a statement void of precedent; we categorically guarantee that it will return more growth to your business by way of over 120 digital, social, business, and relationship building modules Tag: yabber that form the basis of a big-picture blueprint that we know works. In fact, there is a clear recipe for success in the industry; just like any McDonald's franchise can set up one day and have a full car-park and drive-through the next, a broking business can see the same results but it requires a clear and focused commitment to a business and marketing plan that requires more of you than just 'writing loans'.

Yabber Tag: yabber has taken Broker Growth - which was the highest-performing program of its kind in the market - and migrated all those tools that we used into a powerful consumer-facing suite of software tools to support your business with real, measurable, and rather immediate growth. In providing a software product we've been able to dramatically reduce the price, add more features, but continue to provide support via live webinars, BeLearn, and phone support whenever you need it (and as often as you want it).

Platinum Video Introduction

Note: The video was recorded at about 2am a few months back and was intended to be 5-minute video. We went off the rails a little so the discussion ventures outside the scope of the Platinum program.

The Platinum Program

Our former Growth group is now renamed to Mastermind, and we created a Platinum tier which is the same program previously provided to fully-managed clients.

Creating volume is quite easy for us, so we know without any doubt that we've able to return the necessary volume over a 12-month period (we've participated in this program many times). In fact, we'd deliver the necessary volume in just a few months if a brokerage was capable of processing the pipeline, but in most cases the time-frame is extended simply so your organisation is able to manage the business and provide necessary client support.

In engaging with our Platinum program we essentially run all your digital and relationship programs on your behalf. We introduce new relationships and referral partners (both often from our own groups of clients), and we introduce various digital systems to your business - including around 25 primary funnels. We also provide general business support by way of processing support and front-end office management. We also create daily website content and videos (both of which you would have to optionally create yourself if you were going it 'alone').

Platinum is Invitation-Only

You're quite welcome to talk to us about Platinum but it's an invitation-only program. If we do make cold application invitations it's expected we'll only do so on our Facebook Group and LinkedIn . We're partnering with you over the course of the program so we have assess your suitability as a business partner - we need to know you're capable of converting those clients we hand off to you for escalation.

Keep in mind that the tools we use to build your business are exactly the same as those that are made available in Yabber Tag: yabber... so consider a subscription before you consider a more-costly 'managed' partnership.


The cost varies depending upon your type of business and the resources you currently have on staff. Payment can be optionally made into Escrow and only returned when the results are returned, and both parties have the option of withdrawing from the arrangements with various penalties on both sides. There are other conditions but they're in place to protect both sides against any issues that may prevent successful completion of the program.

If your marketing hasn't matured to the point where you have the resources to invest in programs such as Yabber (let alone Platinum), we'd encourage you to review our website Tag: yabber for ideas. There's plenty of programs you may implement yourself to see some immediate gains in your volume.

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Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
Finance Guide, Cropped Top and Bottom
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