RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Platform Pre-Release Introductory Pricing (Limited Time Only)

Platform Pre-Release Introductory Pricing (Limited Time Only)

In order to establish a new userbase for our new Digital Marketing and Social Media Management Platform prior to the system actually making its way into the marketplace we're providing what is the best marketing deal the finance industry has ever seen. For access to all systems within the platform, support, our BeLearn modules, and our business websites, we're charging just $2400 + GST for the first full 12 months (that's a once-off payment... we'll often have businesses think that we're referring to a monthly fee). If you're unfamiliar with the Platform you should read our basic introductory article for an appreciation of the vast functionality and features (it's infinitely more powerful than any competing product in the market).

Our introductory offer is only valid for a short time with pricing set to increase to a second tier on April 20th, and then we'll increase to final and fixed pricing on the 10th May 2021. Our reason for the cost reduction is simple: we're waiting on a few approvals (such as Facebook), and we're currently in the process of building large social and white-label document libraries (download our manual and we'll send you a pricing guide with any limitations that may apply).

If you're in Sydney you should contact us regarding an enhanced offer that provides value we can only describe as ridiculous.

Platform access will be made available on April 20, 2021.

The Yabber Platform

Yabber is a cloud-hosted suite of software tools that facilitates over 100 functions. It provides a compliant email marketing system (connected to MS365) with populated one-click email templates, forms and landing panels with multiple points of automation, autoresponder tools for both email and SMS text messaging, our EDGE post-settlement tools, self-serve client compliance questionnaires, an SMS and Voicedrop module, advertising modules, full Facebook management, landing page management, social media libraries and content automation, article submissions, website management, telecommunications, RBA emails, Newsletter programs and more Tag: yabber.

As you can tell, Yabber is a comprehensive system that is designed to provide full and holistic digital support. However, it's also simple to use, and almost always a one-click process. To support you through you endeavours our BeLearn module guides you through each program so you're armed with the knowledge necessary to see success. Phone support and regular live webinars are provided to further support your efforts.

Because Yabber is an integrated system, our Inference API (BeNet, our Artificial Intelligence engine) provides the only real machine-based course-corrections in the industry.

A brief introduction to the Yabber system may be found here, and additional articles detailing each module and specific types of Platform functionality may be searched via the Yabber Tag: yabber tag.

Yabber provides better paid and organic lead generation results than you'll see elsewhere... although your success is not predicated upon paid promotion. Despite providing the industry's leading Facebook, Google, and YouTube lead-generation experience, we advocate a holistic approach to marketing which will see results returned whether or not you choose to assign a paid marketing budget.

Your New Business Website

We provide you with a complimentary website that incorporates all the conditional, escalating, and automated functionality described in our marketing manual. As a standalone product you would expect to pay over $10'000 for a website with the advanced features we include... but we provide it at no cost.

Why do we provide a complimentary website?

We need businesses to have the capacity to build a high-profile digital presence, and the general websites we see floating around the market don't come close to providing the necessary functionality to actually convert or engage audiences. Since we place an enormous emphasis on serving an integrated and high-performing online experience, providing a website is a means for us to see businesses actually achieve the results that digital will deliver.

One major issue we've encountered with the 'Facebook Marketer' and 'Lead Generation Expert' is that they'll often and rather negligently place your landing pages on a third party platform - such as Lead Pages, Click Funnels, or Kartra - something we believe to be professional malfeasance (despite everything we know about digital psychology this is still the typical experience provided by the lowest and least capable end of the digital market). The business-limiting consequences of this reckless and fractionalised integration is conducive to poor customer experiences and a far lower lower ROI... and it introduces a serious technical debt into your operation - it's a practice that must stop. So, providing a complimentary website that not only replaces those off-site services but also provides an elevated and seriously enhanced digital presence was something we considered absolutely necessary in order to set a new minimum (high) standard. Sending paid traffic as part of a lead generation campaign of any kind to third-party services that completely bypasses your primary marketing asset and funnel centerpiece is nothing short of professional negligence... but it's also a practice that is somewhat ubiquitous in nature, and it has somehow established itself as an acceptable standard.

The primary website we provide you includes dozens of features and it's a dream for finance businesses to use with numerous tools that are necessary for content creation and management. A one-click landing page generation service facilitates quick and highly-effective Facebook marketing, it's optimised for SEO, includes automated content, and integrates heavily with social media. Your website was built to be the easiest-to-use and most powerful of its kind in the industry with functionality you simply won't find elsewhere. As we'll come to describe in a scheduled article, even the simple lead-magnet subscription form under each post of your website does what takes some landing page services cannot return in four pages (remembering that every page on your website is a type of landing page, and requires a conversion).

Simply put, the website we'll provide you will convert both paid and organic traffic, and it'll set you apart from your competition.

Note that the new website is optional and simply makes the integration of some of our core features a little easier. If you have an existing website that you're happy with it's obviously more than acceptable to keep it.

Equipment and Comparison Website Availability

The optional automotive website will be made available on 6th of May 2021. The auto website is introduced here as part of an article on our 'Satellite' program (and also introduced as a concept in our article on 'Sales Positioning'). When the equipment website is made available you'll find the full details here. There's a dozen reasons we provide the equipment finance website... not the least of which is it provides a clear mechanism for brokers to showcase their equipment expertise on a positioned website separate from their primary business website (some of our brokers that have only ever specialised in home loans are now writing hundreds or automotive deals as a result of their clever positioning).

The free comparison website (yes, free) will be made available when we're happy with full availability of banking data, site functionality, and accuracy. We hope to see the product available soon after we've received appropriate feedback on features. At this stage we're providing the comparison website only to those that subscribe to the pre-release program (and yes, once again, it's a free comparison website that'd otherwise cost you tens of thousands).

It should be noted that any single 'free' website we provide represents value well in excess of $10'000 - and they're all included as part of Platform access. A small hosting charge is applied if additional websites are hosted with us.

Strictly Limited Time

We are only making this pricing available until we have the first 50 registrations. If we reach our subscription target we will likely hold back on new registrations so we're better positioned to provide early higher level support. As you can tell, the introductory pricing is not sustainable longer term.

A reduction in pricing applies to those that have participated with a 'competing' program, and the reduced pricing may continue to apply after our price increase so businesses that have introduced bad digital practices into their operation able to course-correct their funnel framework. Details on the "Rescue Package" is available here. Note that the Rescue offer only applies to the lowest-performing programs we've evaluated, and only when our free Funnels product returns what is objectively three times value than the paid product (conditions apply).

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Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
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