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An Elementor or Shortcode Instagram Post Slider

An Elementor or Shortcode Instagram Post Slider

A few brokers have contacted us lately to ask if we 'assist with lead generation', and the confusion is one that is easy given we invest quite a lot into a leading website experience. The reason we apply effort to your website because it leverages your promoted (and organic) funnels enormously. You cannot and will not enjoy digital success without a compelling digital presence. This article introduces the Instagram Post Slider - another feature that'll support a more engaging website experience.

The Result

An Instagram Post Slider will show the latest Instagram posts from one or more accounts in a fully customisable rotating carousel. Each carousel shown on your page can be unique in terms of the posts displayed and the hashtag filtering applied, and each may inherit its own style.

We Don't Like Sliders: First, we're not particular fans of 'sliders'. However, this applies when your primary and clear Call-to-Action message is obfuscated by multiple messages... so our distance from sliders doesn't apply to lower-tier content such as social media and videos. When it comes to social media articles, the carousal is a highly effective way in which to render large amounts of content.

For the purpose of our in-post examples, we'll use shortcode to return a result, but it's expected that clients will use the drag-and-drop Elementor block introduced shortly.

For the first example we'll return a 'default' carousel with the shortcode of [bm_instagram]. The result isn't ideal because we're limited to just two results in a post-style format when the intended purpose is for usage on a wide page (if you're on a mobile, you will only see one single panel).

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About Result: The default result shows the image, title, and description, in a vertical format. The title, introduced shortly under the title of 'Social Architecture', discusses broader Instagram features and how the title result is returned. If no title is found we'll show the date.

Instagram accounts are registered in Yabber, so we'll return all results from all Instagram accounts by default, although both the Elementor widget and shortcode provides for rendering of individual accounts. The expected usage is three panels in a vertical format, or up to two images in a horizontal format. The default usage as applied to any mortgage broker website on delivery is shown below.

Instagram Slider Default Front

  Pictured: The Instagram slider as it might be shown on your website, and the default format in which the feature is provided to clients. Two or three panels are normally shown, and a single panel will normally be shown on mobile devices.

Instagram Slider Example Horizontal

  Pictured: The 'Horizontal' format shows the image to the left, and text to the right. The former version of our Instagram slider included this format so the style was carried over for compatibility.

An example slider showing just the image and panel 'frame' may be returned with the shortcode of [bm_instagram include_title="0" include_description="0" items="3"]. The result:

  Pictured: Showing just an image and the image corners. The next update will show a tooltip or similar on mouseover to return the title, content, or publish date. The 'Naked' format includes only the image and removes all style - including the corners.

Note that clicking on the full screen icon () launches a modal returning more detailed post information. The nature of this modal is discussed shortly (as a 'known issue').

As you can tell, the use of shortcode can be rather clumsy - especially given there are around 30 optional attributes that alter the output - so the Elementor widget provides a more usable solution.

Elementor Widget

The Elementor Widget makes it a simple drag-and-drop experience to include the Instagram Slider onto any page. Simply select the widget, drag into your post or page, define the presentation options, and you're done.

Instagram Slider Elementor

  Pictured: The Elementor Widget makes it a simple drag-and-drop experience to include the Instagram Slider onto any page. Simply select the widget, drag into your post or page, define the presentation options, and you're done. There are a large number of customisation options that allow for styling to emulate your own branding. Note that inclusion of social media accounts is via the multi-select menu. Select one or more of your Yabber-registered accounts to show that content. The 'hashtags' options is one that is currently only used by us in test, and it filters results based on the hashtags used in a post.

Social Architecture

The social media systems in Yabber are rather extensive, with the two primary posting systems being Vista and Instagratify. Vista is an Outlook calendar-based method of posting (meaning that you post articles directly from a dedicated outlook calendar), and the Instagratify tool evaluates those hashtags used in posts and filters before filtering content to assigned social networks. We generally encourage use of Instagratify since it's easy to use, and the content is broadly distributed (and content is shown on your website slider).

Part of Vista and Instagratify's distribution includes posting content to a dedicated social media archive on your website. This archival gives you complete ownership of your own content, assigns SEO value, and creates another organic resource. Since we manufacture a post from your Instagratify content, we're required to include a title in the post content, and this is the same title shown as the title in the Instagram slider. To create a title to be rendered in slider results, simply use the syntax of [title: This is a title] in your Instagram post (this content, including other content that isn't required, is removed from your Instagram post in shared content). If no title is found the posting date will be rendered instead. If you generally don't create titles you might consider removing the title option entirely.

Since the Yabber social architecture is rather extensive, and given that we provide dedicated archives for social media and your video content, we'll be creating a single slider for that combined content, with the videos returning a video link, and the social content returning content in a format not entirely dissimilar to what we've just introduced.

Known Issues

As a completely revised feature it's expected that there may be various errors these features introduce. If you encounter any bugs, please let us know. Clients can expect the feature in the next plugin updates, currently scheduled for Wednesday 18th January. Note that the styles applied in the following update will be based on client feedback.

There are certain issues that are known 'bugs'. An instagram post may contain up to 10 images and videos. At the moment these items are rendered individually. Additionally, clicking on the click returns the image in the modal as a single thumbnail. We'll obviously update this next week so there's a carousal of images within single slides, and the linked modal will show all media associated with this post. This limitation is one imposed on us simply because we're relying on some deprecated features, so an update next week will take care of this.

We're working on a more efficient way of returning videos, both from your website and the preview modal. Until then, some video results may not show.

Interactions statistics are maintained, although that data, along with customisation options, aren't available yet in Yabber. Options will be made available to create a full profile that'll negate the need for Elementor customisation, thus allowing global changes. Options will also be made available to alter the presentation of the 'Details' modal.

Because of the large number of changes that have to be made, you may choose not to include this feature for a few weeks.


The value of social media engagement is outside the scope of this article. However, it doesn't need to be said that you're often speaking into an echo chamber with most of your content... so we have to ensure it's found, and the slider is just another way of ensuring that happens.

Two additional sliders are forthcoming. The first slider renders videos in a slider, and the second returns content sourced from your social media and video archives.

  Featured Image: E.S.& A. Bank Building, west side of King William Street, Adelaide, 1895. A single decker horse tram trundles past horse cabs standing in the centre of the street. These are wagonettes, which were popular as hire vehicles. The E.S.& A. building is in the centre, with the AMP building on the left. On the right is the premises of Robert A. Thompson & Company, Photographers. The extreme right of the photo is 22 yards south of North Terrace. [ View Image ]

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