Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but if you don't know what the reaction is, or you don't have access to the nested funnel data that paints a clear picture of the engagement necessity to create conversions, you're operating on guesswork. Where possible, every action should be measured.
Are you able to identify which user watches a video, or determine how much of the video they watched? Are you able to measure aggregate or average engagement? Can watching a certain percentage of a video swap out your website's front page for another that is tailored to user interest and more likely to convert? Can your marketing system send a text message to a user iif they're watched a certain video, or watched a certain percentage? Can you include in-video subscription forms that action all standard form automation?
Wistia is a great service, and it's why it's fully integrated with Yabber (there's a ton of options). The features are also included as a website drag-and-drop options for those cases where you aren't managing the service from within Yabber.
For clients, all the old platinum features will be migrated to the standard system over coming days.