Note to clients. We've updated the authentication system on your website as a result of some partner discussions last week (that moved the goalposts in a very beneficial direction). Yabber manages multiple groups of contacts, such as clients, partners, introducers, referrers, property groups, and so on, and the new system will update session permissions based on user groups and sub-groups. This update also allows for more effective online courses (the education module will be modified in the next plugin release to cater a new style of course content)
We avoided using the default WordPress authentication because of inherit flaws, so our system is more effective for our use case.
Login forms may be rendered as forms and popup modals, and content on your website may now be hidden 'inline' requiring a user to authenticate before 'member' content is returned. It's a great system that gives you far more flexibility with your online ambitions.
We've also built an Elementor Widget to render the login form or login buttons/text.
Pictured is a basic popup modal login on a demo website.
More details to follow.