In the latest update to the website marketing framework, we've made modifications to the title module that permits a far greater measure of control over text and stylistic presentation.
Changing the title formatting completely would be foolish given their demonstrated performance, so the new titles are presented in an almost identical manner to old titles with the exception that we include a few icons for bling, and the title and formatting is optionally altered in Yabber. Not unlike most of our other text elements, the titles themselves may optionally include rate placeholders to return current rate data of any type.
As with a large number of content modules, you may never actually use the Titles module. However, if or when you ever find the need to update a title, choose to alter the links shown under each title block, or globally alter the presentation style of all titles, it's a quick easy process.
The module was introduced to support our ongoing *applied* agile marketing philosophy - changes that need to be made should always be made immediately without effort or support.