After seeing ridiculously good results from the revised Solis module we're making some final changes before it's pushed into the general system. Solis builds fully immersive and nested digital funnel campaigns at the click of a single button (so, it creates forms, conditional landing pages, email sequences, SMS sequences, builds and brands lead magnets, and creates nested landing pages... all of which is assigned appropriate automation).
We've measured the success of the experience to be at least 10X more effective than the dodgy Facebook and lead generation crowd (which is typical of our existing program, with the exception that it now takes just 1-second). It's *crazy* powerful.
Clients engaged with testing should note that we've added the feature to BeNet, so campaigns will now automatically be created and pushed to your website (even occupying the front page panel, if enabled). This opt-in feature is useful for those cases where a news cycle creates organic demand, or perhaps when a Government grant creates a spike in interest.
Once A Platinum feature, Solis will now become the core of Yabber.