The challenge is simple: we give you two hours to create your standard campaign and Alana gets two hours. If we don't multiply your ROI by 10X we'll donate 10k to charity in your name; if we win you'll do the same.
Results are measured after 8-weeks. Identical budgets will apply and your standard program will apply. The campaign creation component is live streamed.
The reality is that we often return up to 40X the volume of the more offensive solutions. We've had this program running for a few years and the closet we've come to a contender is the threat of legal action should we disclose that they pulled our of the challenge.
The challenge doesn't include all businesses since we simply can't improve upon results from top-notch agencies in the same way. The challenge applies to the lower-performing programs in the market such as Mortgage Magnet, Broker Backpack, Wealthify, Leadify, Mortgage Mastery, Karbn, and a bunch of others.
The idea isn't to shame the offensive experiences peddled to the market but instead highlight how effective digital systems can be if a fully integrated program is implemented into a business. We also want to see those that represent the industry start to implement more scalable fully-owned and higher-performing solutions.
We're still provide the most affordable solution in the industry. Whether your focus is Facebook Marketing, SEO, social media, managed content programs, partner programs, or post-settlement systems, we provide the tools necessary to build *massive* volumes.