In the linked article I'll details why virtually every Facebook advertising experience that employs quiz-style questions (a disguised and often non-compliant fact find form) has got it wrong, why these funnel pathways are costing you massive conversions, and why our unique fact find report - created as a customer tool - returns you far more business (as an organic tool or used in company with a Facebook-based funnel).
A marketing funnel of any kind is designed to qualify you - not the client... and a continued customer funnel journey is designed to further qualify you - not disqualify a client. The customer funnel journey is crafted in a way that assigns expertise and authoritativeness to your operation in order to develop the trust necessary to develop an Opportunity. A road block or barrier of any kind introduced into a funnel experience will objectively cost you business.
The linked article details must one part of our funnel excursion that converts better than any competing equivalent: the Fact Report. The form immediately returns results to a page based on responses, and Yabber sends the client a PDF report with content determined by their borrowing position (general information only).
The form is one of the many reasons our Facebook and general funnel-based or organic programs will always outperform other programs.