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Tale Of An SEO Client

In September of 2020 we had a small brokerage talk to us about improving upon search traffic. Because they had their own marketing team they didn't need us beyond a very basic brief: "get us to 2000 page views a month" (from virtually zero traffic, and 2k/month is nothing). It took us a couple of months to build the framework for 3k a month (delivered consistently, of course). Easy.

Fast forward nearly two years and there's a number of seriously significant problems with their results. We handed over to their team after having put the systems in place to consistently deliver the target traffic, we positioned them on the first page of Google and Bing, and we provided extensive training to their team... and two years later nothing has changed - they're *still* attracting around 10 leads a month when they should be seeing at least 200.

Our Yabber clients convert organically at over 7% (compared to 0.02% for most organic broker experiences), and those businesses that apply an original content strategy generally see organic growth double every quarter.

So, this mob is now a client again. The brief: "Improve conversions". When they asked if we could double conversions I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll double your conversions by the time I finish my glass of water".

Since the 8th (when we started) we've seen 72 red hot 'buy now' leads. That's in one week. Unpaid, free business.

What did we do? We replaced their website. In simple terms, that's really all we did.

Every broker can do the same with their own organic experience. You don't need us, necessarily, we just make it easy. We're happy to talk to you over the phone about changes your can make yourself. Free advice.

We provide a free plugin that outperforms every single leadgen company in the industry by at least 30X. It takes one minute to install... and it's free. Quite frankly, you're nuts if you don't use it.

We don't generally provide SEO services anymore because Yabber essentially automates what most pay for. SEO is now a content strategy. Simple.

Digital can change your life if you let it.

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