We were recently made aware of a bug where certain posts weren't sent to your website as scheduled (it also impacted Twitter). The problem originated from the fact the Instagram API is now returning webp format images (most of the time) instead of the jpg images they returned for well over 10 years. The problem: the system we use on your website to scale and optimise images doesn't support webp images (yet), so when we encountered the dodgy images we simply rejected the post.
We've updated the system to covert all images to jpg before they're sent, and we've updated all posts that were previously rejected. As such, Yabber will drip-feed previously rejected content to your website throughout the day (you'll see records appear in your send log).
The social archive facility improves upon your SEO, adds organic traction, creates social pathways, and adds hundress of organic conversion opportunities. It's just another reason you're writing more volume than your competitors.
Remember, you can send posts to your standard blog by simply by using the 'ispost' hashtag.