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Shad of the Day, 24th January 2023

Today's Shad of the Day isn't criticism of the broker - it's a criticism of the process introduced to their operation by an extremely low-performing and non-compliant mob by the name of Karbn.

In terms of the landing experience, we jumped through 21 pages only to reach a dead-end with zero value provided (yes, 21 pages). There's an article on our website that describes the basic sales funnel, and how even our free funnel does in two pages what literally takes this mob over 21 pages. Every page view objectively decreases conversions, regardless of the level of motivation, and the funnel shouldn't reach a stalemate.

Don't claim limited spots available, and don't assign an arbitrary value to an initial consultation, if it's a lie, and don't ask ridiculous quiz questions if it adds zero value to the experience. In this case, the quiz could be removed and it'd immediately improve results (the quiz itself shouldn't ever be used as a means of filtering the funnel, and should *only* be used if it provides immediate client value).

Even the quiz was poor. Why ask for a postal code and city? The whole quiz experience was about as ridiculous as you'd expect.

There's some info on our website that describes the deliberate malfeasance Karbn have introduced to brokers. As one of the most offensive experiences in the industry they're part of our Rescue Package.

Don't buy leads.

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