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New Census Suburb Website Module

The mortgage broker website set provide clients is built in the back of the most powerful in the industry. This fact is indisputable. However, the next few weeks will see us build a few very major modules that'll have a seriously significant impact on your business.

The first module we've built isn't that exciting. Nor is it easy to find. On the back of the Census API we introduced a short time ago, the enhanced geographic module (remembering that we already have a geo search engine) will return pages for each suburb in Oz. To be introduced in an article in the next few days, the purpose of the pages is to provide some support to our Saturn, Property, and Trending modules.

The pictired example shows a page for a single suburb. A ton of information is returned, and basic graphing and comparison graphs are shown. The module adds around 2640 pages to your website. Keep in mind tag the cosmetics will improve - what you're looking at is a 'dump' of data to page.

If existing modules are to serve as an example, we expect these pages to be highly trafficked, thus creating additional funnel entry points into your experience.

The first part of this module pushes in a plugin update today.

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