The 'MyQuotes' module is simply a user database of finance, money, wealth, and property quotes. Loaded with about 300 default quotes, it's expected that you'll incrementally build your own library.
The purpose?
1. Create a page on your website with all or selected quotes. Supported by an Elementor Widget, the page is actually hidden from all navigation. If you wanted to use it, you will need to add it to a menu (of the 230+ pages, this is one of about 30 that is hidden). You may optionally include a single quote on any page.
2. Create a facility where quotes may be manufactured into images for social media (a massive update to the social module is expected next week).
3. Provides you with a facility where random quotes are optionally rendered on partner websites (via the partner plugin). The partner plugin is a big topic, and the tech is supported by various relationship programs.
4. Provides a user-owned API that opens up access to your library to anybody you share it with. A user RSS feed is also available.
There are other quote sources in Yabber, such as cinematic quotes and notable quotes, and there's 'similar' data sources such as 'this day in history' resources. In total, supplemental sources provide around 10m records.
The tool allows you to create categories and authors, and the review table gives you control over quote visibility.
Another module in the 'Image Factory' will schedule up to a few image quotes a day to an Instagram and/or Facebook account.
Will the tool improve your funnel-focused marketing? No, not really. And most brokers won't use it. Some don't even know it exists. However, if you want to use it, it's there. The fact I forgot how to find it demonstrates its importance.