It's time to recognise those that have demonstrated their extraordinary creativity with these visually distinctive, uniquely positioned, and compelling adverts. The amazing visuals and stunning copy does a fantastic job of positioning you in the market, and they showcase your expertise and service in 'amazing' ways.
It's extremely generous to create adverts that takes up social scroll-space, thus assigning industry authority to others. Very kind of you.
All these ads were seen within 15-seconds. This does a wonderful job of confusing your audience, but it also reminds them that there's a broader market that is more customer-focused and less aligned with finspam. Your lack of care and effort is appreciated.
Thank you from me, personally. Exposed to mediocrity like that pictured has reminded that I've done a terrible job of promoting our free product, which is *far* more effective (and unique).
Stop the finspam. Don't buy leads.