We've had a few clients use a system made available from LoanOptions that integrates a form onto broker websites. The default install from LO is quite poor, so we've created a WordPress plugin for a plug-and-play experience.
There are plenty of bugs in their system, some poor coding, and some compliance issues that we'll address on our website. Aggregators and ACL holders should evaluate the consumer workflows to ensure they're happy with the functionality/results (pay close attention to the results paywall).
Given that our own comparison engine is more accurate (and policy driven with *real* AI), we're considering making our system 'open' if there's sufficient interest. Our tool is *very* different to LO's solution since we're very residential/commercial focused, while LO's system is clearly an 'Asset-first' product.
The plugin is free. We've sent it onto a few people for testing, and if it works as expected, we'll release it via our FB Group.