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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Legal Finance Facebook Advertising Explained

The linked article includes around 70 screenshots of illegal broker advertising, and it details the process used by illegal leadgen services.


If you have used services such as Leadify, Karbn, Buy More Leads, BizLeads, Mortgage Magnet, Rowdy Digital, Woo Media, Biz Focused, Swell, 'James Davis', and a large array of others, you have objectively introduced non-compliance and what is usually illegal advertising into your business (and you have broker the law). You have exposed your operation to fines and litigation - simple as that. We object to the deliberate baiting used by these charlatans, and we object to the messaging used by some of these organisations that belittle and discourage more effective marketing solutions and strategies. More importantly, we object to the baiting practices used to deceive the consumer market - essentially turning the industry into a cesspit of finspam. Those groups listed are supporting practices that are contrary to very clear guidelines introduced in legislation and ASIC guidelines (with many of them operate fake and illegal standalone websites that purport to provide a financial service).

We're calling on any ACL holder and aggregator to ban these groups, and any others that don't introduce best-practice, ethical, and compliant digital products and solutions into a business. Illegal advertising is somewhat ubiquitous these days, and the boom of the last few years has exacerbated the problem with an influx of leadgen pretenders preying on general lack of industry awareness.

There are legitimate agencies that introduce amazing and compliant experiences into broker businesses... and none of them sell leads.

Compliance isn't managed by your business discriminately. Your digital compliance isn't any less important than other areas of your operation, and the consequences are just as severe.

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