RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Interruption Messaging and Directed Attention Design

The Yabber website provides various methods of rendering time-limited content on your website, such as a website header, custom campaign messages shown to a user that arrives on your website by way of any email campaign, or the post type-specific floating footer banner at the bottom of your page. All transient page messaging support interest rate placeholders that return the most up-to-date and lowest available rate from your panel of lenders.

A website 'design' is obviously created with an 'escalation of attention' in mind (to support a broader escalation of commitment), and the image demonstrates the predictability of the mind of a user when they land on any page. A user will first scan for important information, then second-tier information, and so on, before searching the periphery.

Any interference-based content in your post content will steal attention away from the standard and more intuitive design flow, particularly if flashy styling is applied... and that's kind of the point. Interference messages creates an incentive to navigate a particular funnel pathway.

See our blog for more information.

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