Having video on a YouTube channel is obviously essential, but it's their use on your website and within your funnels where they'll deliver your business with results. Yabber is connected to YouTube, so after your videos are ingested they are optionally assigned to each and every page of your website with a simple point-and-click interface, with additional placements on your front entry page. Further, each video is sent to a dedicated video library with its own archive page (this feature gives you full control over your content and effectively creates your own self-hosted video library).
Most website guys will give you a pedestrian website destined for a life filled with static mediocrity. Our broker website has over 600 dynamic features that includes around 30 big-ticket video tools (two of which are pictured). There are some 'web guys' that claim their websites convert (you've heard their pitch 100X before), but none come close to providing the array of dynamic conversion-focused features made available in our framework. When these jokers say their websites convert, we genuinely don't know what they're talking about.
The opposite of extraordinary is what everybody else is doing.
Simply because it's a great way of engaging with our broker clients, we'll be giving away a full session of video with the few discounted website spots we have left (we also try and record a couple of ads for use in paid promotion). You'll generally walk away with a library of around 25-30 evergreen videos. Call me on 0400 777 300.