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ES&A Bank Limited, George St. West and City Road, 1913

ES&A Bank Limited, George St. West and City Road, 1913. English, Scottish and Australian Bank Limited, George St West & City Rd (southeast cnr).

Description as provided by Cty Sydney Archive: Two-storey brick and slate building with arched doorways and entrance, adjacent to a barbers shop (left) which has the name Bill Cupitt on its awning. Premises have multiple chimneys and the name in classical letters on both facades. A young man leans against a cast iron tramwire pole (right) and (centre) an ornamental electric lamp is alongside a newly installed telegraph pole.

A sign for George St. West is on the front of the building (renamed to Broadway in 1934, and before that it was George St. West, and before that, George St. South. In the early 1800s it was known as Parramatta Street). A note on the door of the bank reads as follows: "Removed to Temporary Premises. No 2 City Road (New Building)."

ES&A bank is now known as ESANDA and is part of ANZ.

The Google screenshot is an approximation of the building's location (2023).

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