The Elementor download widget is made available under the 'BeliefMedia' section of the Elementor widget panel. To expose the download options simply drag and drop the widget into the appropriate position on your page. The rendered download panel builds a stylised box with a fully trackable download link, enabling triggers and statistics.
Since your website is integrated, all details of a user are recorded when they subscribe to a lead magnet, engage with a landing page, or land on your website via an email marketing campaign. As such, all the user details are recorded within the 'Download' button enabling a raft of triggers to be applied, thus further shaping the website and broader interest-based marketing funnel experience.
There are certain breakpoints within your marketing funnel where you can potentially lose the effectiveness of the funnel based on a lack of client understanding, and downloads are at the top of that list. If you're still copying and pasting download links, or even worse, you're hosting your downloads on your website or any other resource where you aren't able to measure your efforts, the effectiveness of your marketing is seriously compromised and your conversions will invariably be lower. The lack of integrated downloads, or the inability to fully track your download interactions at the user-level, is a staple of marketing mediocrity.
The drag-and-drop download widget is one of a large number made available in the BM Elementor plugin packaged with our highly advanced mortgage broker website - all designed to make the addition of finance-related features available to you with a few clicks.
Our blog should be referenced for more information.