Paying any company over $180 a lead is just utterly ridiculous, particularly when you're able to return a much higher-quality quality mortgage candidate via a fully-owned digital solution for just a couple of dollars. The system we provide clients is more powerful, more compliant, fully owned by you, and yours forever. In fact, with the last dozen brokers we've inherited from leadgen crooks we've generally seen them multiply their ROI by around 50X. That's an extraordinary number.
Pay-per lead charlatans don't add any value to your business whatsover, and the 'funnel' experience they're subjected to is completely contrary to any customer-first or best-interest obligation that wraps itself around your operation. If the same level of transparency and legislative framework that brokers are familiar was applied to the digital market we would see most lead-generation businesses go broke overnight (with many of them ending up in prison).
We've inherited high triple-digit brokers from 'pay-per-lead' companies and in every single case these brokers have not had a single digital asset assigned to them that they could use to further their marketing efforts, and in virtually all cases the business has lost money and a ton of time (it's easy to get traffic and leads, and conversions as low as 3% on paid leads means you'll barely cover costs, and it wastes inordinate amounts of time).