In a world populated by a plethora of suits, boring bank-speak, and the flutter of rates above all else, it's your 'About' page (as well as your values and team pages) that tends to humanise your business and create an overlap with the people you intend to serve.
Yabber makes creation of your 'About' page a breeze. The page is easy to maintain, update, and because Yabber is a multi-website system, you may send the same 'About' profile to any number of sites.
The pictured page is shown without any fancy-pants formatting. The about text provided on Yabber is split into two responsive columns. The introduction text is shown in bold above the general text.
We expect to release a section for your various awards and nominations shortly (the awards will be able to be shown anywhere but it's in the About section where their presence is probably most appropriate).