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Campbelltown Centenary, 1920

Photos taken by Rex Hazlewood during the Campbelltown centenary, 1920. The street parade took place near the Club Hotel on corner of Queen and Cordeaux Streets, Campbelltown

Not long after the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney in 1788, a small herd of six cattle escaped and weren't seen again by the British settlers for seven years. They were spotted, however, by theTharawal people. In a rock art site called Bull Cave near Campbelltown, they drewa number of cattle with pronounced horns. The Tharawal described the cattle to British explorers and in 1795 the British found a herd of around 60 cattle grazing in the area now known as Camden (true story - it's part of what drew people to the area).

The Tharawal initially worked with the local farmers but a drought in 1814 led to large numbers of neighbouringGandangara people moving into the area in search of food. Tensions developed between the British and theGandangara leading to skirmishes and a number of deaths on each side. Governor Macquarie felt a permanent settlement would lead to order in the area and so ‘Campbell-Town’ was born in 1820.

One-hundred years later these photos were taken. Two-hundred years later and it'll cost you a million dollars to buy a square-inch of land.

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