The regular series was preceded by a two-hour pilot movie, which first aired on March 30, 1974. The pilot was based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's third Little House book in the series, Little House on the Prairie. The series premiered on theNBC network on September 11, 1974, and last aired on May 10, 1982. During the 1982–83 television season, with the departure of Landon andGrassle, a sequel series was broadcast with the new title Little House: A New Beginning, generally considered Season Nine for syndicated packages.
Melissa Gilbert has the most appearances of the series, a total of 190 of the 204 episodes. Michael Landon appeared in all but four episodes of seasons one througheight, but departed from being a regular part of the cast when the show was retooled as Little House: A New Beginning (season nine).
Interior shots were filmed at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, while exteriors were largely filmed at the nearby Big Sky Ranch in Simi Valley, where the town of Walnut Grove had been constructed. Many other filming locations were alsoused during the course of the series, including Old Tucson Studios and Sonora, California. Many of the exterior shots of Walnut Grove and the other Minnesota towns shown in the series include noticeable mountainous terrain in thebackground scenery. In reality, however, the southern Minnesota landscape where the show is supposed to take place includes no tall mountains.
In October 2012, Sony Pictures announced that a film adaptation of the Little House on the Prairie novel was under development. In early 2016, it was widely reported that Paramount Pictures had picked up the project in turnaround, but anagreement was never reached. In December 2020, it was announced that Paramount Television Studios and Anonymous Content were developing a reboot as a one-hour dramatic series adaptation.
Source: Wikipedia.