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Automating Your YouTube and Wistia Videos to WordPress

A funky feature in Yabber will automate your YouTube and Wistia videos to a dedicated archive on your WordPress website.

The video post submitted to your website includes the video, video statistics, your description, a optional link back to the video source, and in the case of YouTube, an optional subscribe button. If you have created video chapters in Yabber that content will also be rendered. As with all single posts we include a subscription form on every page. The default subscription form assigned to video posts is defined in Yabber but can be altered on a post-by-post level.

The archive page is presented in a grid-style manner not unlike your standard posts. As with all archive pages it's expected you'll include an 'everywhere' Simple Panel by simply assigning a form to that location. We've created a post type as BM Video, and it's managed in much the same way you manage your blog articles, except for the fact that the archive is intended for only your video content. This segregation enables us to create a video reference library, but it also permits a deeper integration with other aspects of your website.

A large number of options apply, such as the inclusion of a defined featured image on WordPress based on hashtags used. We also assign videos to categories based on a resolved hashtag. Page SEO markup is automatically applied. You'll want to check out our blog for details.

Our own video archive has added over 300 pages to our video archive giving our website additional reach and organic exposure. Additionally, video posts can be referenced in the marketing funnel (or early website funnel) in order to develop our leads.

A similar system as described applies for Instagram posts, with all Instagram content submitting to a dedicated website Instagram archive.

Instagram Image

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