ANZ Bank Chambers, 354-360 George St., Sydney, 1955. The building was officially opened on 11 February 1904 and originally occupied by the Bank of Australasia. The heritage listed building was designed in various stages by Edward Raht, A. K. Henderson, Joseland & Gilling and Kevin Winterbottom and Assoc. and built in various stages from 1902 to 1937 by Loveridge & Hudson and Kell & Rigby. It is also known as ANZ Bank (former); ANZ Bank; United Permanent Building; 2 Martin Place; Paspaley Pearls; 354-360 George Street; and Bank of Australasia.
The tram is now replaced by Sydney's light rail. The laneway to the right is the historic Angel Place (home of the 180 bird cages that form the 'Forgotten Songs' art installation).
The closest modern screenshot available on Google Maps is also shown. Source: Sydney City Archives and Google Maps.