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Another Shad of the Day, 18th May 2023 – My Local Broker

Another Shad for today, 19th May 2023. My Local Broker are a group that's generally perceived as progressive. Their advertising, however, for as long as I can remember, is misleading, deceptive, and illegal.

Keeping in mind that they have improved over time, their ridiculous and business-debilitating quiz purports to provide qualification regardless of the data supplied by the user. In violation with various Acts, they're baiting users to inflate lead numbers by way of a deliberate fake result, and they offer an intermediate screen that suggests they're checking results against a data source (also fake nonsense). The illegality aside, this non-compliant conduct violates the most basic underlying premise of BID. Customer first obligations start on first contract

There are a ton of others that do this (such as Mortgage Magnet, Leadify, ButMoreLeads etc. - all representing some of the worst performing and illegal services in the industy), and the erroneous results are presented to consumers deliberately, and the creation of an expectation is intentionally deceptive. It's unconscionable conduct that simply has to stop.

Aggregators - please start policing this disguising trend.

Don't buy leads. Stop polluting the industry with finspam. Consumers deserve better.

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