RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


SMS Module Updated to V3

This is a note for clients, and it’s important. As per our deprecation schedule, and in line with Telstra’s own retirement timeline, we have ceased all support for V2 of their API and diverted all functionality to V3. This change introduces some significant updates and a large number of improvements. Pictured is the Voicedrop panels which have seen some updates,


Integrating the Microsoft Suite into Yabber

This is a very important note for clients. You’ll be hearing more from us via email as recent and pending Yabber changes will impact everybody. The number of brokers that use more than one CRM, or multiple pieces of software, is quite staggering, and any tool or process that duplicates data will impact productivity and potentially compromises compliance. This has


YBR Edmondson Park Needs a Street-Facing TV

During the week I spent a large part of every day running programs for a client in Edmondson Park. The area where I worked is close to the local YBR office, and you’ll note from the photo that the office has a fantastic location directly opposite the railway station. It’s street-level locations with tons of ‘static’ and foot traffic (like


148 Leads for a little over 1k

Every now and again I feel the need to prove a point because there are still brokers and other businesses that are led to believe by the leadgen charlatans that investing in (what is usually non-compliant and/or illegal) pay-per-lead services is a good idea. Paid leadgen services might charge around $18-$20’000 for the pictured 148 leads, while our broker paid


A New Method of Resolving Timezone Makes Your Website Calendars Extremely Accurate

This is a note for clients. As you’re aware, we’ve built what is an extremely comprehensive statistical engine for WordPress websites called ‘Xena’ that replaces the older module. The new system is built with an ‘AI-first’ architecture to support more informed marketing decisions, and it also records every conceivable type of interaction data. Xena supports the conditional engine more efficiently


The New Sendify Social Module

We’re a few days away from rolling out the final update to the new Sendify (social media) module. Morphing Instagratify, Sendly, Vista (Outlook social), SendPress, and other social modules directly into a unified module (and sitting on top of the content library), there are literally dozens of seriously funky social features and tools. One of the new features is the


Updates to the Social Media Module

Note to clients. Later this week we’ll be migrating the last of the Sendify features into Yabber, and we will be turning off the legacy social tools forever. Sendify integrates social media, Sendly, SendPress, Instagratify, Vista, the Social Library, Image Factory, and other tools into a single module. As part of the update, we’ve built in a number of new


Content Library Update

Note for clients. Yabber’s Content Library is undergoing a seriously significant update. As part of an architectural overhaul that impacts most major systems, the Content Library (in company with associated systems, such as the Media Factory, Instagratify, and Vista) is seeing new functionality that’ll integrate it directly with the updated Sendify (social media) modules. The Content Library already includes thousands


Introduction of the Xena Statistical Engine

This is an important note for all website and Facebook advertising clients. Xena is the only statistical engine of its kind in the market, and it builds on the amazing conditional engine that has continued to consistently deliver clients with spectacular website, promoted, and funnel results. While our existing model is industry-leading, the Xena engine takes our decade-old BeNet AI


Facebook Group Integration to be Removed from Yabber

Facebook are deprecating Group Graph endpoints in version 19 of their Marketing API. As such, all Yabber FB Group integrations will be removed. The decision is one that doesn’t make sense for owned groups, so we’ve reached our to our RM for a better understanding of immediate and future plans. Is you’re reading this in one of our groups, you


Lender Rate Image Email Signature

One of the features of Yabber that is less visible than others is the lender rate email signature. The signature is an image that may be used in an email signature to return the lowest rate of a specific type. Yabber provides links to the direct image and will also create a HTML link for inclusion in your email signature.


Landing Page Updates

Now for clients. As previously advised, the landing page module is offline until Tuesday for a significant update. The module that is most commonly used, and that which is connected to the ‘Solis’ one-click full campaign module, is used more often than any other landing feature, so we’ve built in testimonial features, block content, and some other tools to ensure

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