RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Update to Yabber’s Website Social Module

Note to clients. We’re updating the entire module that sends new website posts to social media, and we’re adding a new facility to routinely post older articles to social (the image shows just Facebook and LinkedIn, but we’ll add other social networks – such as Twitter, Google My Business, and Instagram – later today). If you have any ideas, or


Your Website Lender Documents Page

Note to clients. Tomorrow morning we’ll be pushing the Lender Document Page updates to our plugins. The dedicated library page supplements the Lender Archives and other data in that it provides access to all documents made available via your accredited lenders. You may return a full page (we’ll add this page to your website over the next few days) or


Same-Day Website Delivery

I had an interesting interaction today. A broker called around 2.30pm for some general advice. Without having any idea that we provided a website framework (she thought we were industy mentors/coaches), less than three-hours later she had a new website powerhouse up and running (probably the last thing she expected when she picked up the phone). She’s going through her


A Little Bit About Form Escalation

Here’s a nice little trick for those of you using our website framework. In addition to the fact the second page form redirection will send a user to a page based on their form interaction (every form includes an Outlook-integrated calendar, so we resolve phone numbers, appointments, and basic subscibers), a number of other things happen. We have standard form


Reordering Website Lender Images and Icons

Note to clients. We’ve updated the Yabber panel that defines the lender images/icons shown on each of your websites. The drag-and-drop functionality is improved (this determines the order images are shown), and we now show inactive and disabled lenders. If all goes to plan we’re planning to release a comparison engine next week (to supplement the archive), although we won’t


Yabber Website Plugin Updated to Version

We’ve updated the BeliefMedia Yabber plugin to version, and the BeliefMedia Elementor plugin to 0.9.2. The update includes a number of improvements and features. More significant modules are: 1. Text-to-Speech and Elementor block. The only example of its kind you’ll find anywhere. There are numerous applicators, but the most significant (initially) are the accessibility features of provides. 2. Geographic


New Census Suburb Website Module

The mortgage broker website set provide clients is built in the back of the most powerful in the industry. This fact is indisputable. However, the next few weeks will see us build a few very major modules that’ll have a seriously significant impact on your business. The first module we’ve built isn’t that exciting. Nor is it easy to find.


Menu Caching Update in Next Plugin Update

Note to clients. Tonight we’re pushing a plugin update that includes a mechanism to cache your website menu. In making attempts to locate those ‘bottlenecks’, the menu was at the top of the list. In combination with our new servers and improved server memory management, the speed improves *tremendously*. We reached our goal of providing the fastest servers in the


Screenshot API Updated

We’ve just updated our Screenshot API. The new API allows you to render website screenshots on your website (or in Yabber) in seconds. You can take a single screenshot and use it forever, or set it to update at certain times. Various Screenshot options apply, such as width, height, cropping, full page renderings, image format, quality, and more. When retrieved


Elementor METAR Graphing Updated

We’ve made a lot of weather-related functions, tools, and data available in the past, and we’re only now in the process of rationalising all the features into a dedicated Elementor meteorological block. Following on from an article that introduced video and GIF radar and satellite renderings, the latest update includes a facility to create dynamic METAR graphs. The graph options


BOM Radar and Satellite Elementor Block

A few days ago we introduced a new feature that nobody will use: Bureau of Meteorology Radar and Satellite animations and video. Accessed via a simple API, you have access to hundreds of renderings, with full control over date ranges and animation shows. You can Assisi choose to return animators as a GIF or video. We’ve just updated the Elementor


Location Forms Updated to Include Simple Single Line Form

Minor update for clients. In the next push of our Yabber/Elementor plugin, we’ve included an option for location forums (those assigned via the location module) to show a ‘simple’ single line form. The simple form includes basic form fields (only) but retains the option to show the integrated calendar, so a booking can still be made, and the lead will

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