RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Website Text-To-Speech

The full scope of our website Text-to-Speech module requires you visit the articles on our website that introduces the tool. Used with shortcode or our Elementor Widget, a block of text is simply converted into a very realistic MP3 voice file (the advanced modelling replicates your own voice in a manner that is indistinguishable from your own voice). The tool


The BM Box Elementor Block

The Yabber website we provide clients is shipped with a licenced version of Elementor Pro. Elementor gives us flexibility in that it allows us to build dynamic drag-and-drop blocks, but more importantly, it gives brokers access to tools that’ll allow them to create dynamic finance-related pages or content in seconds (not that they’d ever need to). We’ve now created around


Yabber Footer and Header Banners

I’m required to share details of our header and footer ‘Broadcast’ system. The (relative) importance of the system is so low that we’ve probably never introduced it before… and most clients probably don’t know it exists. The footer banner is a small banner that floats at the bottom of a page. The header message is a thin message that shows


Yabber Website Favicons

Your website’s favicon is that little icon in your browser bar, and it’s usually the icon dragged onto your desktop to represent your page. It’s also used in search results and elsewhere. It’s not the most important feature, but that didn’t mean it isn’t necessary. Your WordPress website has a feature to create a few of these icons for you.


Yabber Website Teams Module

Imagine a zoo promoting itself by sharing photographs of the water fountains. That’s how we feel sharing all these website tools. However, we’ve received clear instructions that it’s required. It’s our social and marketing tools that do most of your everyday heavy lifting, and it’s our Solis module that makes those pesky pay-per-lead services obsolete. Attached are two images that


Yabber Website Employment Module

The ‘Employment” module made available within the Yabber framework exists for obvious reasons. Managed through Yabber, it”s a piece of cake to use. Advanced usage allow integration with a few external services, but most ACL holders will simply promote their model to other brokers. There’s a couple of dedicated internal pages created for mentoring and related gigs. Various RSS, JSON,


Website Backups in Yabber

As part of our ongoing obligation to showcase unique website and digital features, pictured is Yabber’s website backup module. It doesn’t matter if you’re a client of ours or not, you absolutely need to maintain regular backups for those cases *when* (not if) your digital becomes compromised (we had an issue a couple of months back that showed how even


FAQ Module

I’m going to explain why we introduced an FAQ architecture to our website framework. It’s one of the few features you could easily adopt yourself. Why would you do so? It covert more clients. First, before we intriduced this feature to the framework, we measured the effectiveness of the system against various alternatives over millions of pages, and what we’re


Your Website Glossary

In this post we’ll detail one of the least significant modules in Yabber(and on your website – the Finance Glossary. The glossary module in Yabber might give you an appreciation of how much control you have over ‘less significant’ features. The glossary isn’t heavily integrated into the funnel, nor is it part of the leadgen components, and it’s not even


The RBA Cash Rate Graph

An essential feature for any mortgage broker website: a cash rate graph. Included on a standalone page in our framework, it may be used anywhere with shortcode or a drag-and-drop Elementor Widget. Various attributes are applied for the range, line types etc. Don’t have this graph yet? Download our free BeliefMedia RBA website plugin for this and about 70 other


Form Why Form Escalation Improves Conversions

In going to show you a simple tool that engages more website funnel traffic, and one that creates more conversions. It’s called ‘Escalating Forms’, and we’ve come to see it as an essential component of any funnel. When a user engages with a form, or you download a lead magnet, you don’t want to show that user the same asset


The Updated Logo Module

A note for clients. We spoke with a broker recently that waited 6-months to have her aggregator website logo updated (in that time, it was showing an incorrect company name). While everything takes time, that kind of wait for something that might take a few seconds is ludicrous. In response to this, and at part of our ‘everyday updates’, we

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