RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Introduction of the Xena Statistical Engine

This is an important note for all website and Facebook advertising clients. Xena is the only statistical engine of its kind in the market, and it builds on the amazing conditional engine that has continued to consistently deliver clients with spectacular website, promoted, and funnel results. While our existing model is industry-leading, the Xena engine takes our decade-old BeNet AI


The Matrix, Updated

The Matrix is a system that periodically assesses every known industry website and ranks them in terms of their determined effectiveness and known search authority. Starting last week, and continuing until further notice, the system will update every day. For those that use the system as part of any performance-based program, the results are periodically reviewed and certified by a


Shortt, Version 2.0

Note to clients. We’ve updated the Shortt URL tool in Yabber. It now seamlessly integrates with conditional interests, and the specific user is tracked when the link is used on your website (handy for external websites since external links aren’t tracked in Yabber… yet). As a complete rewrite, the statistics are recorded in the new AI-driven Xena statistics module. Needless


Remove the Web Designer Link on Your Website

Some Web developers still include a small ‘Website Built by XYZ’ or ‘Powered by XYZ’ at the bottom of each page. The obnoxious action is as irritating as car yards placing stickers on your vehicle’s rear window. While the impact is insignificant, the unwelcome link devalues the weight of links on every page (link weight is assigned based on number


Landing Page Updates

Now for clients. As previously advised, the landing page module is offline until Tuesday for a significant update. The module that is most commonly used, and that which is connected to the ‘Solis’ one-click full campaign module, is used more often than any other landing feature, so we’ve built in testimonial features, block content, and some other tools to ensure


Mortgage Comparison Engine Pending Release

From very early next year we’ll be releasing our Comparison API to unrestricted use. Until now, the only groups that were generally using the tool were those ‘testing’ the comparison engine on their website and those ethical leadgen guys that were returning valid results to users (the registered Beta was always available but rarely promoted). After a very lengthy period


Time to Update Your Seasonal Profiles

For clients, now is a good time to try the ‘Seasonal’ features in Yabber. Unlike conditional website content which is shown on the basis of interest, borrowing objective, occupation, etc., Seasonal content are blocks that are replaced for a defined time interval before referring back to a default state. Seasonal swaps are normally applied to your website logo and social


RBA Cash Rate Graph

There’s obviously a lot of rate chatter at the moment, so it’s a good time to remind you that our free plugin for brokers includes a range of useful RBA-related tools, such as the JavaScript Cash Rate Graph and text cash rate options. It’s free.


Imagine If Your Social Posts Didn’t Sync Back To Your Website

The notion that you’ll create social media content for various networks and effectively hand over ownership is a little absurd. What did we do to address this? All your social posts sent from any of our systems – such as Yabber, Instagratify, or Vista – are all optionally sent back to your website into a fully hashtag-searchable archive. This give


Choice Architecture and Digital Conversions

It’s highly likely that every time a standard deck of cards is shuffled, the resulting order has never been seen before in the history of shuffling due to the vast number of possible permutations. This means there are over 80 unvigintillion (that’s 80 with 68 zeros) possible ways to arrange a standard deck of cards… so the chances of getting


Elementor Forms in Yabber

We provide a large number of forms via Yabber integration, meaning that lead forms, event forms, referral forms, fact find reports, property forms, and others, may all be quickly created and then included on your website in a number of ways (our mortgage broker website supports shortcodes, Elementor drag-and-drop forms, significant automation, form escalation, interest-based rendering, and so on –


Free LoanOptions Website Plugin

LoanOptions.AI are an asset finance company that leverages their technology by making it available to mortgage brokers. Asset finance filters through to LoanOptions, while home loan leads are fed back to brokers. We’ve had a couple of our own brokers partner with the company so we built a standalone WordPress plugin to quickly enable the feature. We have our own

Download our complimentary 650-page guide on marketing for mortgage brokers. We'll show you exactly how we generate billions in volume for our clients.
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