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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Shad of the Day, 4th August 2023 – EMBR Group

Shad of the Day, 4th August 2023. Last time when we shared an ad from EMBR Group, one of the team challenged us on the ‘so-called laws’ that are in place to protect illegal advertising. Nice to know your business interests are protected by this brand of inspired intellect. This is just more of the same. Don’t state that you’ll


Mortgage Broker Barbie

Mortgage broker barbie! I haven’t seen many ‘Barbie and Ken’ borrowing scenarios lately, which is probably a good thing as it’ll make our managed social clients look good (or silly… but probably good). What looks like me playing with the Dreamhouse is actually me setting up for photos 🙂


Vista is the Easiest Way to Schedule and Share Social Media

I want to show you one of the tools we built to support social media posting. It’s one of three primary social sharing tools, but it’s also our favourite (I say that despite creating this post on Instagratify, our Instagram-based scheduling tool). Vista integrates with a dedicated MS365 ‘Social Media’ calendar. Anything scheduled to that calendar will send to social


MyQuotes Module

As part of our quest to share 1000 features and tools unique to our marketing suite, I’m going to share a module that is so obscure that it took me 10 minutes to find. The ‘MyQuotes’ module is simply a user database of finance, money, wealth, and property quotes. Loaded with about 300 default quotes, it’s expected that you’ll incrementally


LinkedIn Image Limit Increased From 9 to 29

The latest version of the Linkedin API has (finally) increased the post image limit from 9 to 20. This means that if you’re posting from Instagram (which is where I’m posting fun now), you may send the full 10 images that Instagram permits (or a single video), and if you’re sending from Yabber or Vista (the brilliant Outlook calendar scheduling


Showing Videos on FAQ Pages

Yabber Tip: Your website includes around 80 or so FAQ pages by default, and not unlike any post or page, video objectively increases conversions and engagement. To add a video to the top of any FAQ page, select the ‘Videos’ panel within Yabber’s FAQ module, select a website, video, FAQ page, and then send. Your website is updated immediately. Remember,


Website Testimonials and Reviews Update

Note to clients. We’re a few days away from dropping the completely revised testimonial module into Yabber. The last system was great, but the focus was on sending the reviews and testimonials to a single website – hardly ideal when Yabber is a multi-website management tool. The new module includes ‘rules’ for sending testimonials, so any review may be sent


Australian Broker News on Dodgy Leadgen

Australian Broker News are taking an interest in the dodgy leadgen underground – nice work, Ryan. Had a chat to The Australian this morning (they were interested in illegal activities in the wake of the BRC) and Channel 9, with the latter taking interest in the practices used to exploit vulnerable consumers. It’s nice to see the seedy practice garnish


Instagram Images to Animated GIF and Video

Here’s a little tip for those of our clients that use our Instagratify (Instagram-based) social media distribution tool. By using the #gif hashtag in your post, your Instagram images will be stitched into an animated GIF and sent to assigned social platforms, with the exception of Linkedin where the images will be sent as a video. Various options apply, such


Updates to the Linkedin API

Note to clients. We’ve preformed the first part of a significant update to Yabber’s LinkedIn integration. However, in order to push the changes, the system will go offline from 8pm tonight until 3am. The updates include more intuitive scheduling features in Yabber, and more time-saving tools, such as one-click uploading of documents from your file manager, and the quick creation


Updating the Yabber Settings Module

Note to clients. Over the next couple of days you can expect a large number of changes to take shape in Yabber. This started yesterday with the first of a number of updates to the ‘Settings’ module, with the pictured examples (taken on my phone) showing some of the early differences. There’s a large amount of consolidation, but we’re also


An Update on the SendPress Module

Taken last week, this screenshot shows some of the early revisions to the ‘SendPress’ module… although it’s already changed significantly. Supplementing the existing feature that sends new website articles to social media, we’re updating the module to include a ‘Revive’ panel that’ll periodically post older articles to selected social accounts (at various intervals), and we’re creating a new method of

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