RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Investment IO: 5.69% (6.52%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (5.98%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Malware Search Engine on Your Broker Website

Why did we add a malware/IP search engine to our mortgage broker website? It might seem out of place, but the focus of many of our articles sent to broker websites is orientated around identity protection, online scams, and digital safety, so the page is one that is (or will be) linked from these articles to further reinforce your expertise.


A New Method of Resolving Timezone Makes Your Website Calendars Extremely Accurate

This is a note for clients. As you’re aware, we’ve built what is an extremely comprehensive statistical engine for WordPress websites called ‘Xena’ that replaces the older module. The new system is built with an ‘AI-first’ architecture to support more informed marketing decisions, and it also records every conceivable type of interaction data. Xena supports the conditional engine more efficiently


Buying 50 Leads Versus 50 DIY Leads

The purpose of sharing this screenshot isn’t because the lead cost is low, because it isn’t, but it is within acceptable limits despite the fact the campaign is performing in the bottom 35% of all those we manage. I see businesses buy individual leads for anything between $80 and $200, and brokers will routinely purchase packs of 50 leads for


$5.69 Mortgage Leads

I criticise leadgen charlatans all the time. Usually because they’re a business-debilitating service that’ll do nothing but expose you to non-compliance and illegal advertising. Digital leadgen is easy. A ‘generic’ campaign takes minutes to create and outperforms pay-per-lead and industry-unawares leadgen peckers without exception. If you’re engaging in Facebook advertising, consider the pictured 85 leads at $5.69 (still high, and


Content Library Update

Note for clients. Yabber’s Content Library is undergoing a seriously significant update. As part of an architectural overhaul that impacts most major systems, the Content Library (in company with associated systems, such as the Media Factory, Instagratify, and Vista) is seeing new functionality that’ll integrate it directly with the updated Sendify (social media) modules. The Content Library already includes thousands


Automated RBA Image, Square Essential

This is one of the dozen different image formats that are automatically created whenever a cash rate decision is made. This particular style is called ‘RBA Square Essentials’. The purpose is to enable a small commentary to accompany the standard information. If you create the image manually in Yabber, all aspects of the template may be customised. Once a cash


Automated RBA Images

This is obviously just an example image. It’s one of about a dozen different image formats that are automatically created whenever a cash rate decision is made. This particular style is called simply ‘RBA Basic’ and it’s the least impressive of all images created by Yabber, but it’s also one we’ve just pushed into our *free* industry website plugin. It’s


Updated Landing Redirect Options

As part of a significant update to our one-click landing page module, we’ve updated some of the features of our basic landing pages. Until now, when you’ve sent a landing page to your website (normally an entry page), the conditional redirections were always inherited from the form. Effective tomorrow, you may define an alternate group of conditional ‘second-page’ redirects (single


Image Factory Updated

Note to clients. We’ve just updated all the image creation tools in the image factory, so you may experience a few interruptions over the next couple of days while we iron out the bugs Pictured is the basic ‘Square Quote’. The background, text types, fonts, colours, strokes, sizes, attribution details, footer, logo positioning, and so on, are all fully customisable,


Lender Rate Image Email Signature

One of the features of Yabber that is less visible than others is the lender rate email signature. The signature is an image that may be used in an email signature to return the lowest rate of a specific type. Yabber provides links to the direct image and will also create a HTML link for inclusion in your email signature.



Image blurred to remove identifiable watermarks. One of our very early website clients called me this week with concern over the drop in views on one of his websites, noting that he lost a top spot in search results. The website in question was poorly trafficked – about 170 unique visitors each day resolving to around 800 daily page views.


Time to Update Your Seasonal Profiles

For clients, now is a good time to try the ‘Seasonal’ features in Yabber. Unlike conditional website content which is shown on the basis of interest, borrowing objective, occupation, etc., Seasonal content are blocks that are replaced for a defined time interval before referring back to a default state. Seasonal swaps are normally applied to your website logo and social

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